Voting and Voter Registration

This was discussed previously, but given the seriousness of the issue, it warrants a revisit. The General Election this November is EXTREMELY important at all levels (Federal, State, County, and City). Everyone needs to participate by voting, and not simply gripe about issues from the sideline.

With all the news reports regarding voter fraud, mail delivery delays, and some states clearing voter registration rolls, do your due diligence!

    1. Make sure you are registered to vote
    2. Vote! (Either by mail, or in person)
    3. Verify your vote was counted

Every vote counts!

Navigate to the Santa Clara County website and verify the validity of your voter registration information.  If for some reason, your registration was dropped, register online.

After you vote, particularly if by mail, track your ballot on the county website to ensure it was received/counted, and not dropped due to a technicality, or mismatched signatures, etc. If voting by mail, return the ballot ASAP via US mail, or drop it off at a designated drop-off  location.

LPNA Board Meeting – August 28, 2024

Hello, LPNA Team.

Proposed agenda for Wednesday’s ( August 28th) LPNA board meeting.

1.  Plan an agenda for September 19 General Meeting. (All)
1.1 Plan agenda items
1.2 Who contacts presenter if we decide to have one?
1.2 Zoom only or hybrid at LPHOA clubhouse or at library?

2. Set a date and venue for 2024 NNO review. (All – 3 minutes)

3.  Update on Santa Teresa Blvd. dumping at the road outcrop over the hill. Jersey walls have been placed there. (Greg, all – 3 minutes)

4. Decide if we will have a bbq for 2024 NNO volunteers. Yes or no. Set a date later by email. (All – 2 minutes)

5. Metcalf Energy Plant tours. Greg has contacted the new General Ops Manager, Ted Nguyen.
(Greg – 2 minutes)

6. Quick update on the latest 10 planted trees in the park. (Barbara – 3 minutes)

7. Set a date to inventory/reorganize LPNA’s park room. Date can be set later by email.  (All- 2 minutes)

8.  Other

The above is a proposed agenda.


Zoom meeting details:

Topic: LPNA Board Mtg – Sept 2024 Mtg Planning
Time: Aug 28, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 8509 0829
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,84285090829# US
+12532050468,,84285090829# US
Dial by your location
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
Meeting ID: 842 8509 0829

Monterey/Bernal Neighborhood Meet and Greet

Forwarding this notification from the D2 office given its close proximity to Los Paseos.


Thursday, August 15th
6-7 p.m.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 922 2033 2664

The County of Santa Clara has offered to purchase the Monterey/Bernal Emergency Interim Housing site from the City of San José. Join us for a virtual meeting to learn how the County will use this site. We hope to see you there!

National Night Out 2024 Success

A huge thanks for yet another successful NNO! We could not have accomplished that without the Los Paseos neighborhood community participating in this annual event! As well as a special call out to our sponsors, businesses, first responders (SJPD, SJFD, CHP) and leaders that help build our communities. The photos of the event can be seen here for the fun time had by all. Live music, games for the kids, chalk art contest, free food, and opportunities to meet each other and community businesses to learn about socially relevant topics to our everyday lives.

If you could not attend this year, please, join us on the first Tuesday in August next year. Hope to see you and partake in our annual summer event.


Public Safety Town Hall

** Posted on behalf of D2 NLC (Neighborhood Leadership Council)  and D10 Leadership Coalition **


Don’t post concerns about safety in South San Jose. Do something about it! Come listen and discuss it in our Public Safety Town Hall (Hybrid Meeting)

WHEN: Thursday August 8, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm

LOCATION: Santa Teresa Library Community room

PLEASE RSVP by using the QR code on the flyer.

Register for in person
Register for in person