Los Paseos Neighborhood Dumpster Day

When: 10/21, 8am-noon
Where: Los Paseos Elementary School

District 10 Office of Councilmember Arjun Batra is partnering with Los Paseos Neighborhood Association to sponsor a free neighborhood dumpster day. D10 office is providing the dumpsters and volunteer snacks/water and LPNA is providing the volunteers.

We are offering priority dumping opportunity before 8:00 to anyone who volunteers for 1 hour. We need volunteers to attend to each dumpster and directing traffic to available dumpsters. We also need some help with occasional heavy lifting. Residents will be responsible for unloading their items for the most part, but we need to have a few volunteers available to help with larger items.

If you are interested in volunteering for 1 hour on 10/21 between 8:00 – noon, please message us directly, or email vp@lospaseosneighbors.com