Video of LPNA Meeting on September 21, 2024

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. This was a hybrid meeting (both in-person and remote). There were audio quality issues, and unexpected Internet connectivity issues. When you reach those portions of the recording, let it continue playing. It is not your system experiencing issues. The image pause or audio dropouts occurred from the unstable internet connection. We will try to correct that for future meetings.

00:00 Delayed start – Agenda Items 1 – 3 already occurred
LPNA Business
D10 Updates – Jail Diversion Program a Bernal EIH and Via Del Oro EIH
Fire Prevention Presentation – SJFD
SJPD Updates

Chat logs can be viewed here

Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2024

LPNA Quarterly Meeting

Join LPNA for our Quarterly Meeting on Thursday,

September 19th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

HYBRID MEETING (Via Zoom and in-person at LPHOA Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada, San Jose, CA 95139 ).

As we approach the end of summer, we enter the most dangerous time for wildfires.  San Jose Fire Dept will present information on practical steps we can take to make our homes safer against fires.


    1. Call to Order
    2. Approve the Agenda
    3. Approval of the prior meeting minutes (Posted Minutes)
    4. LPNA Business – Vote on Amendments to Bylaws (Bylaws marked with changes), December Election of Officers
    5. D10 Council Office Updates, Updates on Jail Diversion Program at Bernal EIH, Updates on Via Del Oro EIH
    6. SJPD updates
    7. Fire Prevention Presentation

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 867 6181 7424

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,86761817424# US
+16699009128,,86761817424# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Second (New) Community Meeting – Plan to Convert Monterey/Bernal EIH to a Jail Diversion Program

SEPTEMBER 11th, 6:00 – 7:30 via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 952 5378 0291
Join by phone: +1 669 900 6833
+1 669 219 2599
Please take this opportunity to provide feedback to County representatives whether you are for or against it, and to ask questions about the Jail Diversion Program being proposed to replace the Bernal/Monterey EIH program.

It is still timely to send your remarks, whether for or against, to the following emails as this is a fast-moving issue and discussions are happening behind the scenes on what to do about the situation.  Your feedback is urgent.

RECAP of County “Meet & Greet” Community Meeting, Aug. 15th

Plan to Convert Monterey/Bernal EIH site to a Jail Diversion Program

The County of Santa Clara has offered to purchase the Bernal/Monterey Emergency Interim Housing Site (6066 Monterey Road at the intersection of Bernal) from the City of San Jose, for the purpose of refocusing it into a jail diversion facility. The County’s proposal involves replacing the homeless residents of this site with individuals from collaborative courts – adults with underlying problems that lead to criminal behavior, including mental illness, substance use disorders or both.

The community had many questions about how the program would be run at the August 15th meeting that were not able to be answered.  This new meeting on Sept. 11th is an opportunity to ask more questions and voice your opinion about the program.    

LPNA does not take a position on controversial subjects.  This information is being provided to keep our members informed about what is going on in our neighborhood and surrounding area, and to provide an opportunity for our members to express their view to the relevant parties, such as County Staff and representatives, City Staff and City Council members.

Please see FULL RECAP that was sent out on 9/3/24 for more details on the Jail Diversion Program and information on how you can weigh in on the project.

Proposed Bylaw Changes for LPNA

The Los Paseos Neighborhood Association Board is proposing a few small changes to the LPNA Bylaws. These are the first changes since the original Bylaws were approved in 2016. The changes will be voted on by the members at the next General Meeting, on Thursday, September 19, 2024.


The changes are proposed to:

    • recognize that meetings may be held virtually (e.g. on Zoom),
    • provide for posting draft quarterly meeting minutes before they are approved at the next meeting,
    • clarify the quorum for a Board meeting,
    • revise the financial oversight duties of the President to be more practical, and
    • clarify the provision for non-participation in political campaigns.


The proposed changes are marked in red text in the draft. It is also posted on the Governing Documents page for reference.