Police Recruiting

On behalf of LPNA President, Greg Peck:

On October 20, 2016, the San Jose Police Department presented its semi-annual Police Department Recruitment Activity Report to the City Council’s Public Safety, Finance, and Strategic Support Committee. In that memorandum, the Department committed to issue a memorandum related to post-November election recruiting efforts to the City Council.

On November 8, 2016, the voters of San Jose passed Measure F, San Jose’s Alternative Pension Reform Act. This offers an opportunity for a fresh start for the San Jose Police Departments recruiting efforts. 

Mayor Sam Liccardo, in his recent State of the City address mentioned that Police Recruits need to serve the city that paid for their education. And, this year’s Academy class is larger than has been in quite a while.
Attached PDF file is the February 8, 2017 Memorandum to the Honorable Mayor and City Council, by Captain Edgardo Garcia, updating the Police recruitment efforts in San Jose.

D2 Councilmember, Sergio Jimenez

The following is a greeting introduction post on Nextdoor. We realize not all members of our community belong to Nextdoor for one reason or another. We respect that decision and will try to keep you informed via this site or email so you continue to engage the entire community.

“Dear District 2 Residents,
I am honored to be representing District 2 as your newly elected Councilmember. I will be using Nextdoor to connect with you and keep you updated on the latest news in our neighborhoods and all across the city.

I want to introduce you to my team who are dedicated to working diligently to help you:
Vanessa Sandoval – Chief of Staff, Vanessa.Sandoval@sanjoseca.gov
Helen Chapman – Policy & Legislative Advisor, Helen.Chapman@sanjoseca.gov
Kimberly Hernandez – Executive Assistant, Kimberly.Hernandez@sanjoseca.gov
Maribel Villarreal – Policy & Legislative Advisor, Maribel.Villarreal@sanjoseca.gov
Please call or email our office anytime (408) 535-4902, district2@sanjoseca.gov, with questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Councilmember Sergio Jimenez”


Phone Scams

Recently, in newscasts and Internet reports, a new scam surfaced with either a recorded “robo-call” or a human attempting to get you to answer a question with “Yes”. The caller claims to represent a business entity you may or may not be familiar with, and proceeds to ask something simple, such as:

  • Can you hear me clearly?
  • Are you the homeowner?
  • Are you over 18?
  • Are you the head of the household?
  • Do you pay the bills?
  • Do you own a computer?

It can be a myriad of questions, that the unsuspecting public might engage out of good manners. That is the hook. Most people practice good manners, or social small talk responses figuring there is no harm. The problem is the scammers are recording your voice saying “Yes” and then use that as consent to sign you up for other services or products. Later, they demand payment and use the recorded answer to confirm the purchase.

I received one of these calls today, and I was lucky enough to have read about this scam weeks prior. I did not exercise good manners. I simply hung up. If you get a call where the lead off is a question seeking a “Yes” response, DO NOT answer! The FTC and law enforcement recommend simply hanging up. Avoid providing any responses that can be construed as consent, e.g. “Yes”, “OK”, “affirmative”, “sure”.

Given it is tax season, also be on the look out for scammers claiming to represent Social Security or the IRS, demanding payment of money or face jail time. Most government agencies conduct business by written US mail, and NOT by phone. Hang up on these types of calls, too.