
Martin Murphy & Los Paseos School security fencing – September 5, 2019 meeting

In case you missed the meeting, see the handout given at the meeting, images below, or in the attached pdf file.
One page lists answers to the Q&A at the first meeting.
The second page is a very preliminary position of the fence (red line) that will connect to the ends of the one chain link fence currently around the track and soccer field, thus surrounding the MHUSD property. This is NOT the final layout.
In attendance:
  • Anessa Espinosa, MHUSD Director of Facilities, running the meeting
  • Steve Betando, MHUSD Superintendent
  • Name not known, MHUSD Construction Design
  • Alex Aesan, Principal of Martin Murphy Middle School
  • Torie O’Reilly, SJ Parks Dept Manager
  • Sergio Jimenez and Vanessa Sandoval of District 2 Office
  • Other attendees: approximately 25 people
Anessa went over the Q&A
All named attendees above gave information related to the reasons for the fence both locally and at other schools across the Bay Area, State and nation.
Also, a discussion of a joint use agreement being discussed between MHUSD and San Jose City Parks (Torie O’Reilly) to address the neighborhood concern that an area that has been used for decades is being eliminated from their use. A suggestion was given to place a running/walking loop between Los Paseos Elementary and the School field; this is on the Park property. Torie took notes and will update us in the future.
A comment about possible continued use is to put in electrically controlled gates as shown in the field photo (see pdf) that would be open during non-school hours, including weekends. This is still under consideration as to type of gates and entrance possibilities.
The neighborhood attendees’ comments were received and taken note of by the named attendees above.
Q & A
Proposed Fencing Layout

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