Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2024

LPNA Quarterly Meeting

Join LPNA for our Quarterly Meeting on Thursday,

December 12th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

HYBRID MEETING (Via Zoom and in-person at LPHOA Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada, San Jose, CA 95139 ).


    • LPNA Update
    • Election of Officers
    • SJPD Update
    • District 10 Council Office Update
    • Village HUB presentation on Emergency Preparedness Initiative

Pizza and Cookies provided for in-person attendees

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 849 8189 4510

One tap mobile
+16694449171,,84981894510# US
+16699009128,,84981894510# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Video of LPNA Meeting on September 21, 2024

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. This was a hybrid meeting (both in-person and remote). There were audio quality issues, and unexpected Internet connectivity issues. When you reach those portions of the recording, let it continue playing. It is not your system experiencing issues. The image pause or audio dropouts occurred from the unstable internet connection. We will try to correct that for future meetings.

00:00 Delayed start – Agenda Items 1 – 3 already occurred
LPNA Business
D10 Updates – Jail Diversion Program a Bernal EIH and Via Del Oro EIH
Fire Prevention Presentation – SJFD
SJPD Updates

Chat logs can be viewed here

Video of LPNA Meeting on September 21, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Call to order, welcome and introductions
Approve minutes
District 10 City Council Office update (Arjun Batra, Michele Dexter)
Representative Panetta’s office update (Kent-Harris Repass)
Police update. (Capt. Donohue, Sgt. Yates, Martin Murphy Principal Richard Ito)
Green Foothills (Alice Kaufman) – Update on Monterey Corridor development affecting Coyote Valley
District 1 County Supervisor update on County issues (Sylvia Arenas).
LPNA Business (Barbara Canup)
Los Paseos CERT – Community Emergency Response Team (Wyman Pang)
Migrating LPNA email communications to Constant Contact (Greg Peck)

Zoom Chat log
Radios & CERT slide presentation

Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

We are ready to update you on items affecting our neighborhood and beyond. Join us on a Zoom meeting to hear and see information as shown on the agenda below. Invite your neighbors to the meeting.

The agenda and Zoom Meeting invite are below.

AGENDA – LPNA September 21, 2023 Meeting at 7 p.m. via Zoom (Updated 9/21/23)

1. Call to order, welcome and introductions
2. Approve minutes
3. District 10 City Council Office update (Arjun Batra, Michele Dexter)
District 10 activities – Shredding, Comedy Sports Night, Dumpster Day
Update on issues, including RV Safe Parking and EIH Housing at Via Del Oro
4. Representative Panetta’s office update (Kent-Harris Repass)
5. Police update. (Capt. Donohue, Sgt. Yates)
6. District 1 County Supervisor update on County issues (Sylvia Arenas).
7. Green Foothills (Alice Kaufman)
Update on Monterey Corridor development affecting Coyote Valley
8. LPNA Business (Barbara Canup)
Treasurer’s Report, park update, volunteers
Project to offer free street trees to Los Paseos residents
Nominations open for next year’s LPNA Board
9. Los Paseos CERT – Community Emergency Response Team (Wyman Pang)
10. Migrating LPNA email communications to Constant Contact (Greg Peck)
11. Other, Q&A
12. Adjourn

The Zoom Meeting link is below:

Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – Thursday, September 21, 2023, 7 pm
Time: Sep 21, 2023, 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 1593 1377

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,83415931377# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,83415931377# US

Dial by your location
• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 834 1593 1377
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kxlf7vx6p

Greg Peck

Meeting minutes from March for approval

Meeting minutes from June for approval

Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2022

Hello, Los Paseos neighbors.  Hope you enjoyed that rain during the last day or so. Hope all is well.
LPNA quarterly meeting time is here. Come to a Zoom meeting and learn about our area – what’s been going on and what’s coming. You’ll be able to ask questions or give inputs to us for the betterment of our neighborhood.  See the agenda and Zoom invite below. Hope to see you at the meeting.
Choose to Learn. 
  1. LPNA update
    • Election of LPNA officers (Barbara)
    • 2023 BeautifySJ Grant (Barbara)
    • Adopt a Park – LPNA has adopted the Los Paseos Park (Greg)
    • December 3rd Holiday event results
    • Tree planting in Los Paseos Park, Dec 1 (completed by Los Paseos volunteers, Our City Forest and Parks)
    • Los Paseos Park project list – updates given from Parks to LPNA (Herb)
    • Paseo #2 benches – update on this idea presented to LPNA
    • Possibility to start a tree planting committee, and a paseo benches committee
  2. SJPD update for the Los Paseos area (Sgt. Jeffrey Yates)
  3. District 10 Council Office update
    • Happenings in our area
    • Transition process for a new Councilmember in our District 10 Council Office.
  4. LPNA Member inputs to improve our neighborhood and surrounding areas

Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – December 8, 2022, 7 p.m.
Time: Dec 8, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

If you would like to attend this meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you are on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.

Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2021

Our quarterly Zoom meeting is on December 9, 2021 7:00-8:30PM

December 9 LPNA General Meeting Agenda
  • LPNA budget update – Barbara Canup
  • Election of LPNA board (no current nominations to challenge current board members) – Barbara Canup
  • D2 Update – Vanessa Sandoval *
    • Redistricting in San Jose – how the proposals affect D2 boundaries
    • Encampments in District 2 near Los Paseos area
    • Opportunity Housing status in San Jose
    • SB 9 and SB 10 – information as these bills relate to SJ actions at this time
    • Homekey update – Residence Inn (San Ignacio Ave), other sites
    • other
  • Presentation – Anita Rosen, Master Gardener, UC Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County
    • Water-wise gardening – a presentation of water-wise gardening and drought tolerant plantings
* Links related to D2 update:
  1. Redistricting (see Meeting Schedule):
    1. https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/appointees/city-clerk/redistricting-2020
  2. Charter Review:
    1. https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10325506&GUID=AEBEBDC4-953E-4828-9DFC-9840608B9660
  3. Opportunity Housing
    1. https://sanjose.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=10322668&GUID=66BA311F-ED63-46C2-B259-8FBEADB4ECE1

If you would like to attend our meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you’re on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.

Video of LPNA meeting Nov 14, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the Nov 14, 2019 meeting. The videos are broken into sections for easier consumption. Unfortunately, the main presenter requested that their portion of the meeting not be recorded. We honored that request, and apologize to the members unable to attend.

00:00 Call to Order
01:10 LPNA Business – Election of Board Members
04:50 San Jose Spotlight

00:00 San Jose Spotlight (continued)
00:20 SJPD update
09:15 CHP update

00:00 CHP update (continued)
07:15 D2 updates – Vanessa and Sergio
14:00 Photo presentation of Coyote Valley wildlife and fauna

00:00 D2 updates (continued)
08:45 CALMS update

Nov 15 LPNA General Meeting

Most all of us have questions about what we can recycle into the recycle containers. I sure do!

Get your recycle questions answered at this November 15 meeting

Santa Teresa Library
7:00 p.m. – 9:00pm

Get a live update from SJPD, and District 2 Office. Get an update on LPNA Officer nominations.

California Waste Solutions will present information on the recycle process in our neighborhoods, the inspectors’ role, and the CHINA SWORD.

Bring your samples and get answers to your questions.

Hope to see you at the meeting.

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association Election of Officers for 2019

The entire Board of Officers of LPNA comes up for election for the calendar year 2019 at the next general meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2018, at 7 pm at the Santa Teresa Library.


The nomination process is outlined in the LPNA Bylaws:

“Nominations of candidates for elected positions shall be submitted through the LPNA web site, (About / Contact Us) or in writing (including by email) to any Officer, at least 30 days prior to the meeting when the election will take place.”

Nominations will close at midnight on October 15th. 


All members who attend the meeting in November may vote. All residents of the neighborhood over the age of 18 are considered to be members.


The current Officers of LPNA have expressed the intent to nominate themselves for the same positions in the election for 2019.


The elected positions and their duties are:


President:  The President prepares and publishes the agenda and presides at membership meetings and Board meetings; facilitates the activities of LPNA; exercises general powers of administration consistent with the office; appoints committee members with approval of the Board; reviews bank statements and disbursements made; and acts as the official spokesperson for LPNA.


Vice President:  The Vice-President assists the President; assumes the duties of the President in that Officer’s absence; coordinates the activities of any committees; and serves as an authorized check signer in addition to the Treasurer.


Secretary:  The Secretary keeps the minutes of general meetings and Board meetings; is responsible for correspondence at the direction of the President; and keeps records of attendance at meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for maintaining available for inspection all legally required records and documents, and those required under grants or the LPNA Bylaws.


Treasurer:  The Treasurer is held accountable for all funds; gives a financial update at least annually at a general meeting; receives, safeguards and disburses funds; keeps proper financial records; proposes budgets to the Board; and provides bank statements for review by the President. The Treasurer also manages grant applications and grant-related accountings, and files tax returns.


Member-at-Large (2):  The Members-at-Large assist the Board with responsibilities assigned by the Board or may be requested to take over responsibilities of another Officer on a temporary basis when an Officer is unavailable. One current Member-at-Large also serves as the LPNA webmaster, and the other is responsible for activities, projects, and issues related to Los Paseos Park.



LPNA is not connected with the Los Paseos Homeowners Association (HOA) or the Tulare Hill HOA. LPNA promotes community involvement and provides a forum to discuss issues relevant to the neighborhood. LPNA also sponsors social and service events and works with the City of San Jose to improve the neighborhood. No dues are required for membership.



Board Elections 2018

Election Process for LPNA Board

The entire Board of Officers comes up for election for the calendar year 2018 at LPNA’s next general meeting on December 7th. The elected Officer positions and their duties are:

President:  The President prepares and publishes the agendas and presides at general meetings and Board meetings; obtains speakers for general meetings; facilitates the other activities of LPNA, including applying for permits for activities (such as National Night Out, park improvements, and special events); exercises general powers of administration consistent with the office; appoints committee members with approval of the Board; reviews bank statements and disbursements made; and acts as the official spokesperson for LPNA.

Vice President:  The Vice-President assists the President with the duties noted above; assumes the duties of the President in that Officer’s absence; coordinates the activities of any committees; and serves as an authorized check signer in addition to the Treasurer. Currently the Vice President is also responsible for the quarterly newsletter.

Secretary:  The Secretary keeps the minutes of general meetings and Board meetings; is responsible for correspondence at the direction of the President; and keeps records of attendance at meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for maintaining available for inspection the documents and records required for legal purposes and under grants and the LPNA Bylaws.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer is held accountable for all funds; gives a financial update at least annually at a general meeting; receives, safeguards and disburses funds; keeps proper financial records; proposes budgets to the Board; and provides bank statements for review by the President. The Treasurer also manages grant applications and grant-related accountings, and files tax documents.

Member-at-Large (2):  The Members-at-Large assist the Board with responsibilities assigned by the Board or may be requested to take over responsibilities of another Officer on a temporary basis when an Officer is unavailable. One current Member-at-Large serves as the LPNA webmaster, and the other is responsible for activities, projects, and issues related to Los Paseos Park.

Nomination process under LPNA Bylaws:

“Nominations of candidates for elected positions shall be submitted through the LPNA web site, (About / Contact Us) or in writing (including by email) to any Officer, at least 30 days prior to the meeting when the election will take place.”

Nominations will close at midnight on November 7th.  

The election will take place at the December 7, 2017 General Meeting at the Los Paseos HOA Clubhouse on Via Ramada, beginning at 7 PM (thanks to the LP HOA for allowing us to use their venue). (Members (residents) over the age of 18 may vote.

Current Board members have expressed their intent to nominate themselves for the same positions for 2018.