NNO 2022

A huge THANKS to all our community members that attended our annual National Night Out event at Los Paseos Park! That includes all our volunteers, local businesses and organizations supporting our community, the Crimson Blues Band, the first responders (SJPD and SJFD), and of course, you, our neighbors. There was food, fun, chalk art contest, and the live band providing entertainment. If you were unable to join us, peruse the photo gallery to see what you missed. Get involved with the community. Get to know your neighbors! We will see you next year or at one of our quarterly meetings.

 * Images loading from Google Drive at full resolution. *


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Upcoming CERT Training for August

Forwarded from the office of Chris Losavio, City of San Jose Office of Emergency Management

Good Afternoon All,

I hope you are enjoying your summer!!  I have a few updates and opportunities I wanted to share.

First of all, I am excited to announce our next upcoming City of San Jose Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training for August.  It will take place from August 9th – September 10th.  If you have any loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, or friends that might be interested, please help us in spreading the word!  Below is the link and I have also attached a QR code.  Thank you!!

If interested, please sign up here:  https://tinyurl.com/6e5zswn5

We are also looking for help in better connecting folks who speak languages other than English and other underserved communities throughout San Jose and provide CERT classes for them.  If you have any good connections or ideas  on how to help we would love to hear from you!  Please contact me directly at christopher.losavio@sanjoseca.gov

Chris Losavio

Senior Executive Analyst / CERT Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management

City of San José
408-300-3810 (Mobile)


Upcoming CERT Training

Forwarded from the office of Chris Losavio, City of San Jose Office of Emergency Management

Hi All,


Hope everyone is doing well!


We are excited to announce our next upcoming City of San Jose Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training!  As you know, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a 20-hour all hazard training offered by the Office of Emergency (OEM) Department. The training is designed for residents to protect themselves, their family, their neighbors, and their neighborhood in an emergency situation.  During the training residents will learn: Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Disaster Medical Operations and Triage, Light Search and Rescue, Team Organization, Disaster Psychology, Terrorism & the Incident Command.  Due to the pandemic, the CERT basic training is now being offered as a combination of online training and a one-day hands-on skills training. The online ZOOM training will be a bi-weekly class estimated to take 12-hours from July 5th – July 30th.


If you wouldn’t mind, please help us by sharing this link with your friends, family, and neighbors to help us continue to build a more resilient and empowered City of San Jose:



Hope you all have a happy and safe 4th of July!




Chris Losavio
Senior Executive Analyst / CERT Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management
City of San José

LPNA Summer BBQ in the Park

LPNA BBQ in the Park.
JUNE 23rd, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Come and enjoy hot dogs and fixin’s in Los Paseos Park. This is a chance to meet your neighbors, meet the LPNA board and let us know what is important to our neighborhood. We will also have Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Table and demonstrate the work we have been doing in Los Paseos on emergency preparedness with our 2-way radio system. Get information about the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and how to protect your family in an emergency. Free drawing for Emergency Preparedness supplies.



Paseos #2 Sign Posts update

For those wondering about the Paseos signposts project, Greg Peck and his team of volunteers are in the process of finishing them for Paseo #2 extending between Avenida Espana and Cheltenham Way. 

Many of you walking through the neighborhood may have seen the ones installed along Paseo #1 extending between the Tennis courts and Avenida Rotella. The signposts clearly demark the streets intersecting the Paseo. Paseo 2 will soon enjoy similar amenities.

For your enlightenment, Greg shared a video of the signposts undergoing a router inscribing each street name. Thanks for all the hard work to beautify the neighborhood!

Video of SJ Mayoral Candidate Forum on March 31, 2022

San Jose Mayoral Candidate Forum brought to you by district neighborhood leaders! Questions based on community input and moderated by district neighborhood leaders from throughout San Jose! Candidates: Cindy Chavez, Dev Davis, Matt Mahan, and Raul Peralez. Representatives from the leadership groups for nine council districts each posed one of the following questions.
(There is currently no leadership group for District 7):
A. City Staffing Question by Joan Rivas-Cosby (District 3)
B. Environment Question by Juan Estrada (District 5)
C. Homeless/Unhoused Question by Bobbi Atak (District 9)
D. Land Use Question by Janet Holt (District 4)
E. Public Safety Question by Jim Carter (District 6)
F. Quality of Life Question by Greg Peck (District 10)
G. Budget Question by Gary Cunningham (District 1)
H. Arts Question by Linda Locke (District 4)
I. Housing Question by Babu Prasad (District 2)

RSVP for 3/31 SJ Mayoral Candidate Forum: Chavez, Davis, Mahan & Peralez

RSVP for the 3/31/22 Mayoral candidate forum with questions based on input from community members!


San Jose Mayoral Candidate Forum by district leaders

Thursday, 3/31 @ 6:30pm: Link to Register

Candidates in alphabetical order: Cindy Chavez, Dev Davis, Matt Mahan, and Raul Peralez. Don’t miss out! The San Jose Mayoral Candidate Forum brought to you by district neighborhood leaders! Hosted by the San Jose All Districts Leadership Group. Questions based on community input and moderated by district neighborhood leaders from throughout San Jose! Live Spanish and Vietnamese translation sponsored by United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County (UNSCC).

Link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8P0JY_SUThm5yNKL8LdfLw

Candidates in alphabetical order: Cindy Chavez, Dev Davis, Matt Mahan, and Raul Peralez.

Video of LPNA Meeting on March 24, 2022

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 LPNA Business and updates
20:47 Community Emergency Response Team – CERT (Herb Bowen)
27:47 District 10 Staff Introductions
47:15 Matt Mahan
51:30 Q&A

Zoom chat logs from meeting

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to district10@sanjoseca.gov or submit a ticket at https://help.sjd10.com/

Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2022

Our quarterly Zoom meeting is on March 24, 2022

Our scheduled Quarterly Zoom meeting this quarter we are introducing our new District 10 staff after the redistricting of our neighborhood into District 10.
Come meet the District 10 office staff, and their role in our neighborhood’s issues and plans.
The Agenda is below. The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m.
1. Introduction
2. LPNA Business and updates (Barbara, et al)
   2.1  San Jose Grant to LPNA
   2.2  Los Paseos Park Projects in planning
   2.3  Paseo signpost Project in Los Paseos paseo #2
   2.4  Residence Inn on San Ignacio update
   2.5  Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) update – Bernal Road, Rue Ferrari
3. Community Emergency Response Team – CERT (Herb Bowen)
   3.1  Presentation showing plans for handling major emergencies in the Los Paseos neighborhood
4. District 10 Update
   4.1  District Office staff introductions
   4.2  Matt Mahan update for D10
5. Q&A
6. Adjournment
If you would like to attend our meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you’re on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.