Coffee at the Crosswalk

LPNA and SJPD will host Coffee at the Crosswalk at Martin Murphy Middle School and Los Paseos Elementary.

Where:Avenida Espana and Via Vista
(or by Los Paseos Park entrance by Los Paseos Elementary)
When: Thursday November 16, 2023
7:30am – 9:00am

LPNA will provide coffee, hot chocolate, and snacks. Come meet SJPD staff and help promote pedestrian safety near our schools!

Coffee with a Cop – Saturday 10/7

San Jose Police will be having a small-scale Coffee with a Cop

When: Saturday, 10/7  9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Where: Starbucks (in Lucky’s Shopping Center on Bernal Road, next to the bagel store.)
125 Bernal Rd
San Jose, CA 95119 
It’s going to be some officers, CSOs, and possibly Crime Prevention Specialists who service our area in south San Jose.  Please feel free to pass this on to your Los Paseos neighbors, and stop by to get to know your officers.  They would love to see you out there. 

FEMA & FCC Emergency Alert Test

There will be a nationwide Emergency Alert Test on:

Wednesday Oct. 4th, 2023 at approximately 11:20 AM PT (2:20 PM ET).

This is a TEST only!

It will be on cell phones, radio, and television.

This is conducted by FEMA and the FCC (Federal Emergency Management Agency & Federal Communications Commission).

More details on the event can be found at FEMA

Video of LPNA Meeting on September 21, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Call to order, welcome and introductions
Approve minutes
District 10 City Council Office update (Arjun Batra, Michele Dexter)
Representative Panetta’s office update (Kent-Harris Repass)
Police update. (Capt. Donohue, Sgt. Yates, Martin Murphy Principal Richard Ito)
Green Foothills (Alice Kaufman) – Update on Monterey Corridor development affecting Coyote Valley
District 1 County Supervisor update on County issues (Sylvia Arenas).
LPNA Business (Barbara Canup)
Los Paseos CERT – Community Emergency Response Team (Wyman Pang)
Migrating LPNA email communications to Constant Contact (Greg Peck)

Zoom Chat log
Radios & CERT slide presentation

Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

We are ready to update you on items affecting our neighborhood and beyond. Join us on a Zoom meeting to hear and see information as shown on the agenda below. Invite your neighbors to the meeting.

The agenda and Zoom Meeting invite are below.

AGENDA – LPNA September 21, 2023 Meeting at 7 p.m. via Zoom (Updated 9/21/23)

1. Call to order, welcome and introductions
2. Approve minutes
3. District 10 City Council Office update (Arjun Batra, Michele Dexter)
District 10 activities – Shredding, Comedy Sports Night, Dumpster Day
Update on issues, including RV Safe Parking and EIH Housing at Via Del Oro
4. Representative Panetta’s office update (Kent-Harris Repass)
5. Police update. (Capt. Donohue, Sgt. Yates)
6. District 1 County Supervisor update on County issues (Sylvia Arenas).
7. Green Foothills (Alice Kaufman)
Update on Monterey Corridor development affecting Coyote Valley
8. LPNA Business (Barbara Canup)
Treasurer’s Report, park update, volunteers
Project to offer free street trees to Los Paseos residents
Nominations open for next year’s LPNA Board
9. Los Paseos CERT – Community Emergency Response Team (Wyman Pang)
10. Migrating LPNA email communications to Constant Contact (Greg Peck)
11. Other, Q&A
12. Adjourn

The Zoom Meeting link is below:

Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – Thursday, September 21, 2023, 7 pm
Time: Sep 21, 2023, 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 1593 1377

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,83415931377# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,83415931377# US

Dial by your location
• +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 834 1593 1377
Find your local number:

Greg Peck

Meeting minutes from March for approval

Meeting minutes from June for approval

NNO 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

We thank 650 neighbors who came and enjoyed pizza, ice cream, the Crimson Blues Band, Brian the Bubble Guy, and a Chalk Art contest. That’s an increase of 150 attendees over last year. See a couple of pictures of the event in this email.
Our neighbors also got to meet and thank members of the San Jose Police Department and the California Highway Patrol, and of course, the firefighters and engines of Station 27 were again a big hit. We even got a fly-over and salute from an SJPD helicopter!
In addition, we had visits from Mayor Matt Mahan, our Councilmember Arjun Batra, State Senator Dave Cortese, and County Supervisor Sylvia Arenas. We thank the over 25 neighborhood volunteers who made the event possible, setting up, taking down, and handing out pizza. We also encourage our neighbors to support the local sponsors who contribute much to the event.
Helping again this year were the City of San Jose and Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services; PremierOne Credit Union; Grocery Outlet; Five Star Pizza, and Costco. We also welcomed two new sponsors: Starbucks and MedVet.
National Night Out will return next year on Tuesday, August 6th. We hope to see many of you again then. The Board of Los Paseos Neighborhood Association Greg Peck, Karen Lattin, Barbara Canup, Alan Chan, Herb Bowen, Lynne Steele, and Peter Chen
* Images are loading from Google Drive and at full resolution. Be patient, they will load! *

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National Night Out 2023

Attention all Los Paseos neighbors. National Night Out is quickly approaching!

It is held the first Tuesday of August every year at Los Paseos Park.

Tell your neighbors and gather up everyone and head on down to the park Tuesday August 1, 2023 from 5-8pm for food, fun, and music. Come meet other members of the community and enjoy the last summer hoorah before it’s time to send the kids back to school!


Fireworks and Festivities Information for July 4th

Hello, Neighbors.

See the official flyers attached here from the City of San Jose regarding illegal fireworks.

There will be several professional fireworks displays in San Jose, one local at Almaden Lake Park with a great lineup, at the corner of Winfield and Coleman Avenue. Parking spots will be sparse. One may have to park further away.

Many details of the Almaden Lake Park festivities (food court, entertainment activities) can be seen on the District 10 Council office website: Scroll all the way through the website to find lots of information on the festivities at Almaden Lake Park on July 4th.

Greg Peck

Attached are the official City of San Jose anti-fireworks flyers.

Video of LPNA Meeting on June 15th, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Welcome – LPNA business
LPNA Treasurer and Park/NNO update
Announcements from Senator Cortese’s office
Communications technology modification announcement
SJPD updates by Captain Donohue
D10 updates by Councilman Arjun Batra
HomeFirst – EIH updates at Bernal Road and Rue Ferrari sites – Jose Hernandez
Update on VTA Safe Parking at Santa Teresa Light Rail – Issa Ajlouny

Quarterly Meeting for Q2 2023

Hello, Neighbors


This will be our first In-Person meeting since the beginning of COVID!

Where: the Los Paseos Pool Clubhouse (7047 Vía Ramada, San Jose, CA 95139)
or via Zoom (see connection information below)
When: LPNA General Meeting – Thursday, June 15, 2023, 7 PM

Why you should attend?

We have a lot of great information about the neighborhood:

* National Night Out plans (August 1st)
* Updates from our D10 Council office and local SJPD
* Updates on local homelessness response, including:
– new possible EIH’s in the area
– VTA Safe parking
– EIH presentation by HomeFirst
* Updates on our neighborhoods emergency preparedness
* See the full agenda attached

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 0255 1698 One tap mobile

+16694449171,,87502551698# US
+16699009128,,87502551698# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)