
Silicon Valley Strong

#SiliconValleyStrong: Help for those in need & a centralized location for critical resources
A Community Response to COVID-19: SiliconValleyStrong.org
As the response to this public health emergency escalates, many residents will feel direct economic impacts from business closures, event cancellations, and layoffs.
We’re doubling down on mitigation to protect our community–slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reducing the number of people infected.
Silicon Valley Strong calls on the community to stay informed and look out for each other. This landing page serves as a hub with critical updates and resources for vulnerable neighbors–accepting tips for additional information at mayoremail@sanjoseca.gov. This page is updated daily and is currently being translated into Spanish and Vietnamese.
We seek community members interested in lending a caring hand. Sign up to volunteer with assistance and recovery efforts through Silicon Valley Strong SiliconValleyStrong.org

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