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Second (New) Community Meeting – Plan to Convert Monterey/Bernal EIH to a Jail Diversion Program

SEPTEMBER 11th, 6:00 – 7:30 via Zoom. https://sccgov-org.zoom. us/j/95253780291 Meeting ID: 952 5378 0291 Join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 +1 669 219 2599 Please take this opportunity to provide feedback to County representatives whether you are for or against it, and to ask questions about the Jail Diversion Program being proposed to replace…

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Public Safety Town Hall

** Posted on behalf of D2 NLC (Neighborhood Leadership Council)  and D10 Leadership Coalition ** Everyone, Don’t post concerns about safety in South San Jose. Do something about it! Come listen and discuss it in our Public Safety Town Hall (Hybrid Meeting) WHEN: Thursday August 8, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm LOCATION: Santa Teresa Library Community room PLEASE…

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Reporting Illegal Fireworks

With the summer holidays approaching, the warmer weather, fire season, and school drawing to a close there will undoubtedly be people with more time on their hands. Often, it ends with mischievous behavior, if not outright illegal. One of the prevalent problems facing our community is the repeated use of fireworks. Fireworks in the City…

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FEMA & FCC Emergency Alert Test

There will be a nationwide Emergency Alert Test on: Wednesday Oct. 4th, 2023 at approximately 11:20 AM PT (2:20 PM ET). This is a TEST only! It will be on cell phones, radio, and television. This is conducted by FEMA and the FCC (Federal Emergency Management Agency & Federal Communications Commission). More details on the…

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Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2022

Our quarterly Zoom meeting is on March 24, 2022 Our scheduled Quarterly Zoom meeting this quarter we are introducing our new District 10 staff after the redistricting of our neighborhood into District 10. Come meet the District 10 office staff, and their role in our neighborhood’s issues and plans. The Agenda is below. The meeting…


Silicon Valley Strong

#SiliconValleyStrong: Help for those in need & a centralized location for critical resources A Community Response to COVID-19: SiliconValleyStrong.org As the response to this public health emergency escalates, many residents will feel direct economic impacts from business closures, event cancellations, and layoffs. We’re doubling down on mitigation to protect our community–slowing the spread of the…