Video of LPNA Meeting on December 12, 2024

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. This was a hybrid meeting (both in-person and remote). The audio issues were mostly resolved this time around and audible for both in person attendees as well the remote Zoom attendees.

00:00 Meeting start
Agenda and Thanks
LPNA Business and neighborhood update
District 10 Councilmember George Casey
Village Hub – New Emergency Preparedness Initiative – David Smathers Moore

Next Meeting – Thursday, March 20, 2025

Zoom chat log is here

Video of LPNA Meeting on December 7, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Call to Order
Approval of minutes from Sept. 21 General Meeting
LPNA business and neighborhood update
Annual Election of Officers
Los Paseos Park update
Chemical-free weed abatement at Los Paseos Park – Hita Modha
Volunteer Opportunities at Los Paseos Park
Park Strip Street Tree Project
Community Events update
District 10 Council Office update – Arjun Batra
SJPD update – Captain Steve Donohue
San Jose Recycling – Linden Skjeie
Santa Clara County Hazardous Waste – Andrew Park
Object Detection Pilot in D10 (an AI tool using cars and cameras to detect blight) – Albert Gehami
Next meeting – tentatively, Thursday, March 21, 2024

Video of LPNA Meeting on December 9, 2021

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Meeting start (LPNA Business)
Election of LPNA board
LPNA Grant update
LPNA Project updates
District 2 update – Vanessa Sandoval
SJPD update – Sgt Hernandez
Water-wise gardening – Anita Rosen, Master Gardener, US Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County
Composting law – Smita Patel

Zoom chat logs from meeting
Water-wise Gardening presentation with notes

Links to stories about the new composting mandate to go into effect January 1, 2022:

LA Times
Mercury News

Video of the LPNA meeting on November 19, 2020

For those unable to attend our last zoom meeting of the year due to the pandemic, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 LPNA Business
District 2 Office Update, Vanessa Sandoval
Open Space Authority, Gavin Comstock – updates on North Coyote Valley
SJPD, Captain Elle Washburn – Crime statistics for local area
HomeFirst, James Henderson – Update on Bernal Road and Rue Ferrari sites

Participant Chatlogs of questions or comments during the zoom meeting are included here

Powerpoint presentation of the meeting agenda is here for PDF download.

Video of the LPNA meeting on August 27, 2020

For those unable to attend our second zoom meeting held this year due to the pandemic, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Start meeting and LPNA business
District 2 update by Sergio Jimenez
Main presentation by Andrea Urton of HomeFirst discussing Bridge Housing locations at Bernal and Monterey and the Rue Ferrari site
HomeFirst Q&A

Participant Chatlogs of questions or comments during the zoom meeting are included here

Powerpoint presentation within the video, EIH Bernal Overview_8.20.20.pptx, is copyrighted by Andrea Urton of HomeFirst and available for download in PDF format

Election notice to LPNA members

The entire Board of Officers of LPNA comes up for election for the calendar year 2020 at LPNA’s next general meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 7 pm at the Community Room within the gym behind Los Paseos Elementary School.

Nominations of candidates for elected positions can be submitted through the LPNA web site, (About / Contact Us) or in writing (including by email) to any Officer, for 30 days, through November 12, 2019.

All members who attend the meeting in November may vote. All residents of the neighborhood over the age of 18 are considered to be members.

The current Officers of LPNA have expressed the intent to nominate themselves for the same positions in the election for 2019, with one exception. Amy Georgiades, Secretary, will not be nominated as she has other commitments that conflict in 2020. We are seeking nominations for the office of Secretary. Anyone interested should contact Greg Peck ( to discuss the responsibilities of that position.

The elected positions and their duties are:

President:  The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings

of the Board and the membership, and shall facilitate activities of LPNA and exercise general powers of administration and management consistent with the office. The President shall appoint members of committees not elected, with approval of a majority of the Board. The President shall review bank statements and disbursements made. The President also acts as the official spokesperson of LPNA unless the Board chooses to create an elected Board position for a spokesperson.

Vice-President:  The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume the

duties of the President in that officer’s absence. The Vice-President shall coordinate the activities of committees and serve as acting chairperson of any committee that is lacking a chairperson. The Vice-President also shall be an authorized check signer in addition to the Treasurer.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be held accountable for all funds and shall give

a financial update at least annually at a general meeting. The Treasurer shall receive, safeguard and disburse funds, keep proper financial records, propose budgets to the Board, and provide bank statements for review by the President.

Secretary:  The Secretary shall keep minutes of LPNA meetings and Board

meetings, and shall be responsible for correspondence, at the direction of the President. The Secretary shall make these records available for inspection as described in Article 9. The Secretary shall also maintain records of attendance by members at general and special meetings.

Member-at-Large:  The Board may create one or more positions for a Member-

or Members-at-Large. A Member-at-Large shall assist the Board in the execution of its responsibilities. In the event that another Officer is unavailable, a Member-at-Large may be requested to take over their responsibilities on a temporary basis.