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Monterey/Bernal Neighborhood Meet and Greet

Forwarding this notification from the D2 office given its close proximity to Los Paseos. MONTEREY/BERNAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEET & GREET Thursday, August 15th 6-7 p.m. Zoom link: https://sccgov-org.zoom.us/j/92220332664 Meeting ID: 922 2033 2664 The County of Santa Clara has offered to purchase the Monterey/Bernal Emergency Interim Housing site from the City of San José. Join us…

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Public Safety Town Hall

** Posted on behalf of D2 NLC (Neighborhood Leadership Council)  and D10 Leadership Coalition ** Everyone, Don’t post concerns about safety in South San Jose. Do something about it! Come listen and discuss it in our Public Safety Town Hall (Hybrid Meeting) WHEN: Thursday August 8, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm LOCATION: Santa Teresa Library Community room PLEASE…

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Video of LPNA meeting February 20, 2020

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below is the video recording for the February 20, 2020 meeting. 00:00 LPNA Business 00:20 Barbara Canup – LPNA finance overview 05:05 Native Plant Garden 13:00 Crime Update by Captain Elle Washburn 49:00 Vanessa Sandoval – D2 Updates 1:15:00 Environmental Services Department – Linden Skjeie Recycling…


Santa Teresa Foothills Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum

A huge thanks for STFNA for organizing the Candidate Forum for the 2020 election to be held on March 3, 2020. Participants to this forum are running for 3 different offices: San Jose City Council District 2 San Jose City Council District 10 State Senate District 15 If you were unable to attend the candidate…

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Video of LPNA meeting Nov 14, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the Nov 14, 2019 meeting. The videos are broken into sections for easier consumption. Unfortunately, the main presenter requested that their portion of the meeting not be recorded. We honored that request, and apologize to the members unable to attend….

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Summer Celebrations at Viva Parks Los Paseos

If you were unable to attend the City of San Jose’s Viva Parks festivities at Los Paseos Park on Tuesday July 30th, this is what you missed! Aside from the community coming out to have a good time with the provided fun, games, and snacks, Several vendors were on hand to discuss various issues from…