Video of EIH meeting 5/30

On May 30th, City of San Jose staff hosted a community meeting to discuss a proposal to build an interim housing community of moveable sleeping cabins in the area of Via Del Oro and San Ignacio. Below is a recording of that meeting. This is the official recording posted on the City website. It is reposted here for ease of access by our community.

Slides displayed during the presentation portion of the meeting can be viewed at the City website

Father’s Day Car Show

As a public service, to help spread the word for a local event, Bernal Church is hosting an event for Foster the City

Where: 160 Bernal Rd
San Jose, CA 95119
When:   June 18, 2023
9:00AM – 2:00PM

This is their 6th annual Father’s Day Car Show benefiting foster families. Come support Foster the City, a coalition of churches training support teams for foster families and increasing stability for the children from hard places.

Entrance is free. Raffle with many prizes suitable for all ages! Come enjoy the show, have some BBQ. Donations encouraged! All proceeds go to the organization, Foster the City.

Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Update Meeting

On Wednesday May 24th, Valley Water held a hybrid meeting to provide an update to the public regarding the status of the Anderson Dam Seismic retrofit project. For those unable to attend the in person / Zoom meeting, Valley Water recorded the meeting which is now available for viewing via their YouTube channel.

Coffee With A Cop

Where: Starbucks at 125 Bernal Road, San Jose, CA 95119

When: Saturday, May 27, 9:00 to 11:00 am.

Starbucks at Bernal Rd and Via Del Oro (between Staples and Lucky) is inviting the neighborhood to “Coffee with a Cop” on Saturday, May 27, 9:00 to 11:00 am. This is an opportunity for a casual meeting with San Jose law enforcement to discuss issues that matter to our community. Starbucks will have coffee, snacks and some activities for kids as well.This is an opportunity for a casual meeting with San Jose law enforcement to discuss issues that matter to our community.

Starbucks will have coffee, snacks, and some activities for kids as well.

Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project

Valley Water sent postcards to the surrounding communities they serve, and impacted by this project. This meeting provides an update to their efforts to retrofit the dam. It is an in-person meeting as well as virtual zoom meeting. The information is as follows:

When: Wednesday May 24, 2023
6:30PM – 8:00PM

Where: Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center
17000 Monterey Rd, Morgan Hill, CA 95037


Video of the EIH meeting 5/22

For those unable to attend the meeting discussing EIH sites in South San Jose, the video below is a recording of the ZOOM meeting held on 5/22. NOTE: This is NOT the official recording by the City of San Jose. I took it upon myself to record and post for the community. The official recording will post in a day or two, hopefully…

00:00 Omar Passons – Deputy City Manager, City of San Jose
Mayor Matt Mahan
Sergio Jimenez
Presentation for EIH project – Omar Passons
Q&A and public commentary

Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) sites

The San Jose website shows meeting times and links to public discussions on:


Coming Soon – Proposed Bernal site [next to the Monterey Grove apartments on Bernal Road, see the map on the flyerfor small homes provided by the State
Virtual Meeting on May 22nd at 5:30 pm –


Coming Soon – Proposed Via Del Oro site [at the corner of San Ignacio Ave. and Via Del Orofor moveable sleeping cabins
Virtual Meeting on May 30th at 5:30 pm –


The San Jose website link below includes a reference to the 2 sites above. After you click the link, see the bottom of the City page for Zoom links to the meetings.


The multilingual flyer announcing this meeting is listed below:
2023 Bernal Sites Interim Site Community Meeting – 8.5×11 Mailer – v2



The LPNA BOARD is meeting for a BOARD MEETING on Thursday, May 4th at 7:00.

Our Board Meetings are where we plan our next General Meeting (scheduled for June 15th at 7 pm), and we plan future activities such as BBQs, park projects, and National Night Out.  All Los Paseos neighbors are welcome to attend LPNA Board Meetings, to see how the business of our Neighborhood Association is conducted and if you have any specific issues to bring up to the Board.
Below is the Agenda and Zoom invite for our Board Meeting:
      1. Hello to those who joined meeting
      2. LPNA Treasurer report
        1. 2023 SJ Grant status
        2. BBQs and 2023 NNO plans as relates to Grant status
      3. Update on Park projects
        1. Native plant garden – status of plants, status of irrigation – Barbara and Peter
        2. Gopher eradication by PRNS – Greg or Herb
        3. Update on neighbor request for a place of enclosure at Los Paseos Park for dogs and their owners – Greg
        4. Update on request to PRNS to make Park Rules more visible – Greg
      4. Discuss and plan the Agenda and Presenter for the LPNA June 15th meeting. Draft agenda below:
        1. LPNA Treasurer and Park/NNO update – Barbara, et al
        2. Update from SJPD on crime, etc – Sgt Yates
        3. Update from District 10 Council office – Michele Dexter, Councilmember Arjun Batra
        4. Update on the VTA Safe Parking at Santa Teresa Light Rail – Issa
        5. Presenter(s) (suggestions)
          1. EIH at Bernal Road and Rue Ferrari success stories. (Possibly have a person show up at our June meeting)
          2. Waste Management Recycle presentation? Focus on plastic. Announce Ridwell – Greg has requested a presentation be given at an LPNA meeting.   San Jose Recycling and Garbage page
          3. Announce Waste Management recycle plant tours?
          4. Announce Metcalf Power Plant tours similar to a few years ago. A big success
          5. Valley Water presentation?
      5. Discussion on how to update/improve our communication with LPNA members, and create better member signup methods (from our website)
        1. Create a signup link on our website to Mailchimp?, Constant Contact?, other?
        2. How to proceed from here
      6. Other? –   COPA,   San Jose Homelessness Response (Project Homekey, etc)
ZOOM link to the meeting is below…
Topic: LPNA Board Meeting – May 4, 2023
Time: May 4, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 9544 6572
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +1 669 444 9171 US
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 832 9544 6572
Find your local number:
Greg Peck
LPNA President

Video of LPNA Meeting on March 16, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Meeting start
LPNA Business
Police update – Captain Donahue and Sgt Yates
Matthew Quevedo/Jim Reed Presenting on Behalf of Matt Mahan
Matt Mahan prerecorded video
Q&A with Matt Quevedo and Jim Reed
Arjun Batra D10 Councilman
Herb Bowen – CERT & Vision Zero
Karen Lattin – Update on Rue Ferrari, Bernal Rd, and VTA safe parking
Greg Peck – Update on Illegal Fireworks law enforcement

FY 23-24 March Budget Message

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to or submit a ticket at

LPNA Board Meeting – March 7, 2023 7:00PM

LPNA March 7, 2023 Board Meeting Agenda
7:00 – 7:15 | LPNA Executive Session (LPNA Board only)
7:15 onward | LPNA members and public


      1. LPNA Board Minutes and approval – Secretary
      2. Discuss Volunteers, Member-at-Large: Park projects, LPNA membership, other – All
      3. Update to the Board on illegal fireworks law enforcement – Greg
      4. Update to the Board on paseo #1 issues – Greg
      5. Discuss control of Zoom account
      6. Discuss LPNA member blind copy (bcc) transition to a contact list
      7. Discuss the March 16 meeting as below
        1. Follow the agenda put out on Nextdoor
          1. Review and respond to Nextdoor post replies
        2. Discuss the addition of the following to the March 16 meeting agenda
          1. LPNA members approval of minutes as needed
          2. Update LPNA members on the Bernal Road, Rue Ferrari EIH(tiny homes sites), and on the VTA Safe Parking site
          3. Update LPNA members on illegal fireworks law enforcement
      8. What information do we want from SJPD for the March 16 meeting?
      9. How to better publicize meetings and events
        1. Signs, QR codes, update posts/emails, etc.
      10. Other

If you would like to attend this planning and operations meeting as a member of the public, please reach out to Greg Peck via the Contact form for Zoom meeting information.