2019 Holiday Tree Event

Despite the rains, many families ventured out and attended the event again this year to obtain a Christmas tree, visit Santa, meet SJPD/SJFD personnel, or contribute to the Toys for Tots program. A huge thanks to LPNA, LPHOA, and all the other participants to continue the tradition started by the Mata family 6 years ago. A brief photo album was posted to the facebook page.

Video of LPNA meeting Nov 14, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the Nov 14, 2019 meeting. The videos are broken into sections for easier consumption. Unfortunately, the main presenter requested that their portion of the meeting not be recorded. We honored that request, and apologize to the members unable to attend.

00:00 Call to Order
01:10 LPNA Business – Election of Board Members
04:50 San Jose Spotlight

00:00 San Jose Spotlight (continued)
00:20 SJPD update
09:15 CHP update

00:00 CHP update (continued)
07:15 D2 updates – Vanessa and Sergio
14:00 Photo presentation of Coyote Valley wildlife and fauna

00:00 D2 updates (continued)
08:45 CALMS update

New Meeting location for LPNA meetings

You spoke, we listened.

In an effort to boost attendance and participation, many provided feedback that meetings at the Santa Teresa Library were “out of the way”. So in an effort to address that, we obtained the use of the Community Room at the Los Paseos Elementary School to hold our meetings. This is located in the Multipurpose Building behind the school (i.e. the Gymnasium) which many of you attended larger scale meetings over the years regarding community issues, e.g. paseos redevelopment, land development hearings in coyote valley, neighborhood safety and security, as well as the Calpine Participatory Budget project displays. The community room is located in the same building, and if attendance warrants it we can relocate into the gymnasium area.

With the meetings located close to home and within walking distance, hopefully we will see more of you attend and participate. If you have additional suggestions and feedback, please provide it via the Contacts page and let us know how to improve and increase greater community involvement.


Holiday Event 2019

This is a Not For Profit Neighborhood Event

Please join us in decorating your lawn this year with a 4-5 ft plantation Douglas Fir Tree.

We are proud to present our 6th annual Holiday Tree Decorating event for your front lawn. A fun way to celebrate the holidays and bring joy to Our neighborhood!

This year we are lucky to have collaborated with many noteworthy partners to make this year’s event extra special

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA)
Los Paseos Home Owners Association (LPHOA)
Los Paseos Fire Station 27 (Toys for Tots)

Join your neighbors in picking up your tree at the Los Paseos HOA/Swim Club this year on 12/7 from 11:00 – 3:00pm in the parking area. Bring your friends and family to enjoy Santa, Hot Coco, and much, much more! The holiday party is free, with refreshments provided by our very own Los Paseos Neighborhood Association!

Trees cost $18.75 each and Rebar (5/8”x6’) is $7.00 (used to hold up the tree on the lawn – sold separately). Or, use the one from last year.

Deadline to order/pay for your tree and rebar is 10/31

Los Paseos HOA Members: For HOA members, please drop off Checks/Cash to Adrienne, and make checks payable to “LPNA”

For those not associated with Los Paseos HOA, please send a check payable to “LPNA”, or cash, to the following address with your order details and request:

  • LPNA
  • 117 Bernal Road Ste 70-153.
  • San Jose CA 95119

Money/Check must be collected before an order for a tree can be made. There will be no orders accepted after 10/31. Please let me know if you are mailing a check/money order. See below for contact information.

If you have any questions regarding ordering, please contact:

Greg Peck
Email: president@lospaseosneighbors.com
Call (408) 623-9156

Election notice to LPNA members

The entire Board of Officers of LPNA comes up for election for the calendar year 2020 at LPNA’s next general meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 7 pm at the Community Room within the gym behind Los Paseos Elementary School.

Nominations of candidates for elected positions can be submitted through the LPNA web site, (About / Contact Us) or in writing (including by email) to any Officer, for 30 days, through November 12, 2019.

All members who attend the meeting in November may vote. All residents of the neighborhood over the age of 18 are considered to be members.

The current Officers of LPNA have expressed the intent to nominate themselves for the same positions in the election for 2019, with one exception. Amy Georgiades, Secretary, will not be nominated as she has other commitments that conflict in 2020. We are seeking nominations for the office of Secretary. Anyone interested should contact Greg Peck (president@lospaseosneighbors.org) to discuss the responsibilities of that position.

The elected positions and their duties are:

President:  The President shall prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings

of the Board and the membership, and shall facilitate activities of LPNA and exercise general powers of administration and management consistent with the office. The President shall appoint members of committees not elected, with approval of a majority of the Board. The President shall review bank statements and disbursements made. The President also acts as the official spokesperson of LPNA unless the Board chooses to create an elected Board position for a spokesperson.

Vice-President:  The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume the

duties of the President in that officer’s absence. The Vice-President shall coordinate the activities of committees and serve as acting chairperson of any committee that is lacking a chairperson. The Vice-President also shall be an authorized check signer in addition to the Treasurer.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be held accountable for all funds and shall give

a financial update at least annually at a general meeting. The Treasurer shall receive, safeguard and disburse funds, keep proper financial records, propose budgets to the Board, and provide bank statements for review by the President.

Secretary:  The Secretary shall keep minutes of LPNA meetings and Board

meetings, and shall be responsible for correspondence, at the direction of the President. The Secretary shall make these records available for inspection as described in Article 9. The Secretary shall also maintain records of attendance by members at general and special meetings.

Member-at-Large:  The Board may create one or more positions for a Member-

or Members-at-Large. A Member-at-Large shall assist the Board in the execution of its responsibilities. In the event that another Officer is unavailable, a Member-at-Large may be requested to take over their responsibilities on a temporary basis.

Electrification Expo on October 12

Meet with experts, residents, and manufacturers for a full-day of education and resources on home electrification at the Bay Area Home Electrification Expo. The Expo takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Tech Interactive. This is a FREE, family-friendly event with a raffle and prizes! What is electrification? It’s switching from fossil fuels to clean electricity for transportation, cooking, water-heating, space-heating and drying clothes. Electrification is critical for California to reach its climate goals.

When: Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019
Where: The Tech Interactive (formerly the Tech Museum)
Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p..m.

Here’s what you can expect at the expo:

  • Hear from industry experts on ways to make your home cleaner, greener and safer
  • Learn about rebates that help you save money
  • Meet with manufacturer representatives and learn about technologies that can add value and comfort
  • Chat with residents and experts about the benefits of shifting to electricity

For additional information or if you have questions about the expo, please contact the Environmental Services Department at energy@sanjoseca.gov or 408-535-8550.

Aaron Kinney
City of San José | Environmental Services Department
Communications Division

Martin Murphy & Los Paseos School security fencing – September 5, 2019 meeting

In case you missed the meeting, see the handout given at the meeting, images below, or in the attached pdf file.
One page lists answers to the Q&A at the first meeting.
The second page is a very preliminary position of the fence (red line) that will connect to the ends of the one chain link fence currently around the track and soccer field, thus surrounding the MHUSD property. This is NOT the final layout.
In attendance:
  • Anessa Espinosa, MHUSD Director of Facilities, running the meeting
  • Steve Betando, MHUSD Superintendent
  • Name not known, MHUSD Construction Design
  • Alex Aesan, Principal of Martin Murphy Middle School
  • Torie O’Reilly, SJ Parks Dept Manager
  • Sergio Jimenez and Vanessa Sandoval of District 2 Office
  • Other attendees: approximately 25 people
Anessa went over the Q&A
All named attendees above gave information related to the reasons for the fence both locally and at other schools across the Bay Area, State and nation.
Also, a discussion of a joint use agreement being discussed between MHUSD and San Jose City Parks (Torie O’Reilly) to address the neighborhood concern that an area that has been used for decades is being eliminated from their use. A suggestion was given to place a running/walking loop between Los Paseos Elementary and the School field; this is on the Park property. Torie took notes and will update us in the future.
A comment about possible continued use is to put in electrically controlled gates as shown in the field photo (see pdf) that would be open during non-school hours, including weekends. This is still under consideration as to type of gates and entrance possibilities.
The neighborhood attendees’ comments were received and taken note of by the named attendees above.
Q & A
Proposed Fencing Layout

Grocery Outlet Grand Opening

After 5 years of a grocery vacancy at Santa Teresa Village Shopping Center the community finally has a new grocer serving the community, Grocery Outlet!

A huge thanks to ROIC, Sergio Jimenez and the D2 office, as well as all the community vocalizing to all parties the need to fill that vacancy. Today was the Grand Opening of the new Grocery Outlet.

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, LPNA received a gracious donation from Grocery Outlet, Abed and Nisrine. Thank you for the donation to help build a stronger community.

Updated Important Numbers

Within the site resources page of Important Numbers provided by the D2 office and the City of San Jose website, it now includes the information published by SJPD. The list of numbers published by SJPD includes Crime and Safety information, apps to report problems within the City of San jose (My San Jose), as well as services provided by the County of Santa Clara. The second page details the information required to report a crime. The more detailed information provided, the better!

Aug 22nd Meeting

There is NO meeting this Thursday August 22nd at the Santa Teresa Library. Instead, there is a tour of the Metcalf Energy Center, and participants were notified via e-mail. If you have interest and would like to tour the facility, let us know and we will arrange additional tours. They can only handle about 20 people per tour, and this first tour is already full. The setup for this occurred spontaneously. Members of the LPNA maililng list received first priority. If you are not on the mailing list and would like to join, notify us via the Contact page