Chat with Matt this Thursday March 10 at 6pm
Video of LPNA Meeting on December 9, 2021
For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.
00:00 Meeting start (LPNA Business)
00:50 Election of LPNA board
02:40 LPNA Grant update
04:10 LPNA Project updates
07:20 District 2 update – Vanessa Sandoval
25:05 SJPD update – Sgt Hernandez
30:15 Water-wise gardening – Anita Rosen, Master Gardener, US Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County
1:52:25 Composting law – Smita Patel
Zoom chat logs from meeting
Water-wise Gardening presentation with notes
Links to stories about the new composting mandate to go into effect January 1, 2022:
Video of LPNA meeting on September 23, 2021
For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.
00:00 Meeting start (LPNA Business)
02:23 LPNA Officer Nominations
03:30 NNO 2021 in Review
06:38 Treasury Report
07:35 Los Paseos Park Improvements
17:15 CERT Emergency Radio Program
23:30 D2 Update – Lucas Ramirez
45:35 SJPD Update – Sgt. Hernandez
54:15 Valley Water – John Varela
Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2021
Our quarterly Zoom meeting is on September 23, 2021 at 7:00 – 8:30PM
See the agenda below…
1. LPNA Business and Neighborhood Update
• Announcing nominations for next year’s officers.
• National Night Out Report
• Treasurer Report
• Los Paseos Park improvements
2. SJPD Update on what’s being done to address local concerns
3. District 2 Office Update
4. Presentation: Valley Water
• Rates, Rebates (yard design), water concerns during the drought
5. Q&A as time permits
If you would like to attend, you can request the Zoom meeting information via Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you’re on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.
National Night Out 2021
Los Paseos 6th Annual National Night Out:
Tuesday, August 3, 2021, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Los Paseos Park
The main purpose of this event is to promote public safety and reduce crime by getting to know your neighbors. Los Paseos Neighborhood Association is hosting this event on August 3 at Los Paseos Park. So come out and meet your neighbors and enjoy the great music of Crimson Blues, Brian the Bubble Guy, games, Kid’s Chalk Art Contest, free snacks and free ice cream. Members of SJPD and other Crime Prevention Specialists, will attend, and if available, SJFD (Station 27). Also scout troops and some local vendors will have resource tables. The Cub Scouts will be doing their traditional flag ceremony.
We are looking for volunteers to help make this event a success. We need volunteers to hand out snacks, help at the sign-in table, judging the Chalk Art Contest, and help setting up the event and tearing down after the event. If you are able to lend us an hour of your time, please send an email to Thank you for your consideration.
LPNA Radio Project Needs You
We are looking for Los Paseos neighbors who are interested in participating in our emergency radio project. Technical experience is not necessary; the only requirement is your desire to help our neighborhood. Our current team is composed of an accountant and a group of engineers. In particular, we are seeking neighbors in the outer areas of the neighborhood (Sessions, Pegasus, Cheltenham and Bayliss). However, all areas are welcome. We also need a few more amateur radio and GMRS licensees.
The goal of the LPNA’s Emergency Radio Project is to provide Los Paseos with 2-way communications during an emergency. In a natural or manmade disaster, traditional communications may be disrupted. Cell phones, landlines, and Internet will be overloaded or unavailable. This may happen in a big earthquake or large wildfire.
The emergency communications system we are developing has two parts:
1) Walkie talkie radios to cover our neighborhood (we are using MURS radios)
2) Amateur radio operators (hams) with more powerful radios to communicate with government emergency services
During a major emergency we would set up a neighborhood command post, and neighbors with walkie talkies could report emergency incidents. The hams at the command post would relay the information to SJ RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) or the City of San Jose EOC (Emergency Operations Center). In addition, volunteer teams of neighbors and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) members would be deployed to assess the neighborhood. Status and urgent situations would be radioed to the command post.
For the past few months, the LPNA Radio Team has been evaluating radios and antennas to ensure adequate radio coverage throughout Los Paseos. In mid-April, we conducted our largest radio exercise to date. Field antennas were set up at the park and team members with talkie talkies moved to various locations throughout Los Paseos to confirm radio reception. We were able to cover all areas in our neighborhood from the park, including Sessions, Pegasus and Bayliss. We had radio communications capability up to 0.8 miles from the command post.
If you are interested in volunteering, please reachout through the website’s Contact Us form. An LPNA member will get back to you ASAP.
In addition to the LPNA Emergency Radio Project, you may also be interested in attending the free basic CERT training provided by the city of San Jose.
The training covers:
disaster preparedness
small fire suppression
medical operations
light search & rescue
psychology & team organization
plus disaster simulation exercises
Be prepared for your family and neighbors. Check out the City of SJ website
Video of LPNA meeting on June 17, 2021
For those unable to attend our last zoom meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.
00:00 LPNA Business
03:25 CERT Program/Update
08:15 SJPD Update
40:52 D2 Office Update
43:00 State Senator Cortese representative at this meeting
44:35 Great Oaks Water – Tim Guster
Links and Information presented during the video:
Great Oaks Water website
2020 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
Notice of Public Hearing on Mandatory Water Conservation
Zoom meeting information for this public hearing:
Meeting ID: 953 5946 6931
Passcode: 724202
To join by telephone, dial: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose).
Meeting ID: 953 5946 6931
Passcode: 724202
FAQs about Mandatory Water Conservation
408-265-2600 – Santa Clara Valley Water main number to report water wasting issues
408 227-9540 – Great Oaks Water main number to report water issues
Notice of Public Hearing on 2020 Urban Water Management Plan
Zoom meeting information for UWMP/WSCP public hearing:
Meeting ID: 979 3438 5782
Passcode: vbVhg1
Quarterly Meeting for Q2 2021
Our quarterly Zoom meeting is on June 17 at 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
Below is the agenda with the topics we will be covering.
COVID-19 updates from Santa Clara County
On February 3, 2021 County Supervisor Mike Wasserman issued his monthly newsletter. Within it he included updated information pertaining to vaccinations and testing. In an excerpt from his newsletter:
“Since January 28th, the County of Santa Clara Health System has been offering COVID-19 vaccinations to residents 65 years old and older, following the State’s updated guidance. We continue to urge the State to allocate more vaccines to the County so that we can increase the number of vaccinations each day.
Local residents within the eligible categories (who are not a regular patient of Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation or Stanford Healthcare) can schedule an appointment through one of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s vaccination clinic sites. For Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation or Stanford Healthcare patients, please contact your healthcare provider for vaccination eligibility and scheduling.
President Joe Biden recently announced that the Federal government plans to purchase 200 million more COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna. This would result in fully vaccinating the American population by the end of summer or early fall of 2021.
For our part, the County will continue to administer as many vaccines as we are given as quickly as possible and will continue to follow the rules set by the Federal and State governments for distribution.”
Vaccination Appointments can be schedule through the SCC website with each of the various medical facilities serving the county.
“Testing is still a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19. While some people have gone in for regular testing for months, others are seeking it out for the first time. Widespread testing provides a more accurate picture of how many cases exist in our community and helps the County Public Health Department understand how and where the virus is spreading.
Visit the County’s COVID-19 testing website to:”
- Search for a Test Site
- Search for sites by City
- Search for sites Near You
- Search for sites by Date
- Search for sites by Provider
- See All County Testing Sites
Schedule a free test through the SCC website
If you would like to subscribe to County Supervisor Mike Wassermans’ newsletters to receive this information directly, subscribe here