Video of the LPNA meeting on November 19, 2020

For those unable to attend our last zoom meeting of the year due to the pandemic, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 LPNA Business
District 2 Office Update, Vanessa Sandoval
Open Space Authority, Gavin Comstock – updates on North Coyote Valley
SJPD, Captain Elle Washburn – Crime statistics for local area
HomeFirst, James Henderson – Update on Bernal Road and Rue Ferrari sites

Participant Chatlogs of questions or comments during the zoom meeting are included here

Powerpoint presentation of the meeting agenda is here for PDF download.

LPNA Quarterly Meeting – November 19, 2020; time 7 PM

Hello, neighbors.

You are invited to our quarterly Los Paseos Neighborhood Association meeting.  Many of the topics on our agenda are of broad interest to our surrounding area including an update by Open Space Authority on North Coyote Valley, an update from HomeFirst regarding the bridge housing communities at Monterey & Bernal and Rue Ferrari and an update by SJPD regarding crime in our area.   Please see the Zoom link below if you would like to attend.  This meeting is open to all nearby neighborhoods.
• LPNA Update
• D2 Update
• Open Space Authority (Gavin Comstock) – update on north Coyote Valley (projects, measure T, future plans).  Q&A
• HomeFirst (Site Manager for BHCs) – Update on Monterey/Bernal Road and Rue Ferrari BHC sites.  Q&A
• SJPD (Captain Elle Washburn or alternate) – Law enforcement update-crime in our area.  Q & A
Zoom invite:
Topic:  LPNA Quarterly Meeting – November 19, 2020; time 7 PM
Time: Nov 19, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Greg Peck

Voter Ballots are on the way! Do you know the issues?

You can always search online for additional details, but to help along the process, we included the following links for sources of voting information:

Mercury News

SF Chronicle

League of Women Voters

League of Women Voters’ makes recommendations on California state-wide initiatives:

Voter’s Edge

You can also enter your address and zip code at the site below to get detailed information about what is on your specific ballot, including profiles and comparisons of the candidates for office, as well as the initiatives and local measures. This site does not make recommendations.

Description from the Voter’s Edge website:

With Voter’s Edge California, voters can:

    • Access their full, personalized ballot by entering their address.
    • Get in-depth information on candidates, measures, and who supports them.
    • View candidate biographies, top priorities, answers to questions, photos, policy videos, endorsements, and detailed information about who funds their campaigns.
    • Browse unbiased explanations of ballot measures; find out who supports, opposes, and funds them.
    • Check where, when, and how to vote, including information on their local polling locations.
    • Keep track of their choices to make voting easier.
    • Share information about the election with friends and family.

*The LWVCEF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization and never advocates. The League of Women Voters of California does operate a separate nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization that advocates on issues and sometimes makes recommendations on ballot measures.

History of Voter’s Edge California

The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund produced one of the nation’s first election information websites, Since 1996, the Smart Voter project has been California’s premier online source for authoritative, nonpartisan coverage of election contests, candidates, and ballot measures.

MapLight’s Voter’s Edge tool was first designed to help voters understand the sources of funding behind ballot measures in California. In recent years, the project has expanded to cover candidates and elections in states beyond California.

In 2014, the League and MapLight joined forces to create a successful pilot project. The result is Voter’s Edge California.

Los Angeles Times


Cal Matters

Check your voting registration

With all the garbage in the news about voter fraud, mail delivery delays, and some states clearing voter registration rolls, do your due diligence!

Make sure you are registered, so your vote counts!

Every vote counts!

Not just for the National Election, but also for local issues impacting city, county, and State elections. Navigate to the Santa Clara County website and verify the validity of your voter registration information.  If for some reason, your registration was dropped, register online.

After you vote, particularly if by mail, track your ballot on the county website to ensure it was indeed counted, and not dropped due to a technicality, or mismatched signatures, etc. If voting by mail, return the ballot ASAP via US mail, or drop it off at a designated drop-off  location.

Special Message from County Supervisor Mike Wasserman

In an excerpt from Mike Wasserman’s newsletter issued 9/15/2020, I wanted to emphasize the importance for everyone to participate in the 2020 Census. To quote Supervisor Mike Wasserman:

1 in 5 Have Not Completed the Census

As of this week, nearly 1 in 5 households have NOT participated in the 2020 Census. This means that 140,000 of the 701,000 households in the County of Santa Clara have not responded so far. Are you the 1 in 5 in your neighborhood? If so, please complete your 10-minute questionnaire today. It is as easy as following the link below or calling 844-330-2020. The data collected from the Census is used to allocate over $800 billion in annual funding for vital services, including money for:

    • Schools
    • Healthcare
    • Housing
    • Roads

Census Deadline: September 30th, 2020.

Complete the Census

To learn more about Santa Clara County issues, Visit Supervisor Mike Wassermans’s Website, or sign-up for his newsletter

Anderson Dam Town Hall Video

For those unable to attend the Anderson Dam Town Hall meeting regarding the retrofit project on August 20, 2020. The D2 office provided the Zoom video. It is reposted here via the LPNA YouTube channel for easier use and distribution.

If you would like to view this in full screen HD mode, click on any of the timecodes listed below to view this directly from the YouTube channel.

Councilmember Jimenez, Assembly member Robert Rivas, and Valley Water discuss this large infrastructure project that will seismically retrofit Anderson Dam for the safety and protection of our community and drinking water supplies.

00:00 Meeting start moderated by host Sergio Jimenez
Director John Varella
Rachael Gibson – Valley Water overview presentation for retrofit need
Chris Hakes – Valley Water project presentation
Dylan Lomanto – Legislative aide to State Assemblyman Rivas
Rick Callender – Valley Water CEO
Sergio Jimenez – District 2 Councilman
Question and Answers

Video of the LPNA meeting on August 27, 2020

For those unable to attend our second zoom meeting held this year due to the pandemic, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Start meeting and LPNA business
District 2 update by Sergio Jimenez
Main presentation by Andrea Urton of HomeFirst discussing Bridge Housing locations at Bernal and Monterey and the Rue Ferrari site
HomeFirst Q&A

Participant Chatlogs of questions or comments during the zoom meeting are included here

Powerpoint presentation within the video, EIH Bernal Overview_8.20.20.pptx, is copyrighted by Andrea Urton of HomeFirst and available for download in PDF format

LPNA Quarterly Meeting Changed to August 27, 2020 7:00pm

Hi Neighbors,

You are invited to our next LPNA Quarterly Meeting on August 27th at 7:00 pm. Please
note, we have postponed the meeting from the original date of August 20th because
there is an important Town Hall meeting updating the Anderson Dam plans the same
night that we think many of our LPNA neighbors may want to attend (see info at the
bottom of the page).

We will be hosting the LPNA meeting via Zoom. If you are interested in joining
the LPNA meeting, please click this link to register to get the Zoom link. Click here to Register

Our main speaker will be Andrea Urton of HomeFirst. HomeFirst has been selected
as the vendor to run the Bridge Housing sites at Bernal and Monterey and also the
Rue Ferrari site. Andrea will be presenting the plan for the bridge housing and
will be able to answer questions on how the sites will be run and how issues will
be addressed. HomeFirst also runs the existing bridge housing site at Mabury and
she will give an overview of how that site has been doing since it opened at the
beginning of the year.

We will also be getting an update on what’s been going on in District 2 from the
District 2 Council office.

We hope you can join us.

Karen Lattin

P.S. Info on the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Town Hall for those who are interested.
Join Councilmember Jimenez, Assembly member Robert Rivas, and Valley Water to learn
about this large infrastructure project that will seismically retrofit Anderson Dam
for the safety and protection of our community and drinking water supplies.

Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Town Hall
Thursday, August 20, 2020
6 – 7:30 pm

More information:

Los Paseos Neighborhood Update – July 16th, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

Would like to give you an update on projects and issues in our neighborhood.

Shade structure at Los Paseos Park – Shade over the playground area is under construction and should be completed by September. Since the playground has been closed it has been easier to get this project done. This is the last project funded by the District 2 Participatory Budget Process. See D2 Participatory Budget Process winners

Doggie Bag Dispensers in Los Paseos Park. LPNA now supplies doggy bags for the dispensers for pet waste pickup. In the event you mistakenly leave your home without doggy bags, please make use of these to help maintain the cleanliness of our park area. Due to City budget cuts, PRNS no longer stocks the dispensers. It is the pet owner’s responsibility to pick up after their pets and properly dispose in a waste can. Leaving bags of waste for PRNS to pick-up is unhelpful and poses a health risk if others stumble upon it.

Los Paseos Park Grass Watering. PRNS has informed us they will reduce the watering of grass areas due to budget Los Paseos Park Grass Watering. PRNS has informed us they will reduce the watering of grass areas due to budget help of Our City Forest. LPNA volunteers will hand water the trees if necessary.

National Night Out (NNO) has unfortunately been canceled for August 4th. LPNA members have enjoyed putting on this event to get the neighborhood together and celebrate our diversity and community. More information may follow as the pandemic and the guidelines published by the CDC and local authorities continue to evolve. We look forward to getting the community together at such events in the future.

CALMS Camera Project (update in bold)  – Phase 1 is just about completed. Many neighborhood Courts and Streets are now covered. Several recent incidents have been covered and addressed as a result.  Homes that are in front of streetlights are considered phase 2 of the project and will begin installing at these locations soon. If you are interested in getting cameras for phase 2, go to SaferSJ and click the Request for More Information link on the home page.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a volunteer organization that trains and supports the community during emergencies. Several LPNA members are part of this team. CERT Training description: Community Emergency Response Team Training
If you have interest in being trained or helping the Los Paseos community, please contact Herb Bowen

August LPNA member meeting. We are working on putting together our quarterly LPNA member meeting in August. Based on the success of our Zoom meeting in May, we will be using the same virtual format. Stay tuned for the details.

We also have been working with our neighborhood businesses to support them. In an effort to support their businesses, we partnered with some of them. They have agreed (at the current time) to give a discount to our members for service or food items. If you mention “LPNA” at the following stores, you will get a discount (cannot be combined with any other store offers or coupons).

    • Jennifer’s Cleaners (Santa Teresa/Bernal)) – Dry clean: 10% discount; Laundry: 1 shirt free if 15 shirts laundered
    • Five Star Pizza (Bernal Road only) – 10% discount

Contact LPNA if you have any questions or concerns.

Please enjoy our lovely area of the City this summer. LPNA will continue to support the neighborhood during the changing times.