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Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

Meet Mayor Mahan and your new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra.

Quarterly Meeting March 16, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

We have an exciting lineup for our next quarterly meeting.

* Our new Mayor, Matt Mahan, will be attending to discuss his upcoming budget priorities. This is a great opportunity to meet the Mayor and give input on what you think is important to include in the budget.

* Also, we are hoping to have our new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra, attend to meet our residents and provide an update on D10 happenings. This is a great opportunity to meet our new Council representative and provide input directly to the Council office on what is important to you. If Councilmember is not available, his Chief of Staff will attend.

* We will be having a Crime update by our SJPD Southern Division, District Yellow representative.

* An update on our neighborhood CERT program (Community Emergency Response Team & SJNCERT), and Vision Zero (efforts to reduce pedestrian traffic deaths). Los Paseos has a group of neighbors preparing for emergencies using radio communications. Learn about this, and how you can join in. This effort is being spread throughout San Jose. LPNA is active in Vision Zero.

We are inviting nearby District 10 neighborhoods to provide the opportunity to meet the Mayor and our new Councilmember.

Click here for the meeting Agenda

Meeting minutes for Dec 8, 2022 General Meeting for member approval

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