Video of LPNA meeting Feb 15 2018

For those unable to attend the Thursday night Q1 meeting for LPNA, the contents of the meeting were recorded on video. The topic covered at this meeting was the Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative with presentations from both project advocates as well as project opponents. This initiative will appear on the June ballot so it is imperative for the community to learn about this issue to make an informed decision at the polls.

If after viewing these videos, you wish to attend another public meeting on this issue to voice your concerns, STBNA will hold a public meeting on this same issue:

Location: Santa Teresa Public Library – Community Meeting Room
Date: February 26
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm

First LPNA General Meeting of 2018

February 15th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Santa Teresa Library, 290 International Cir, San Jose, CA 95119

All are welcome to learn about this controversial initiative for a development project in Evergreen. Why should you care about a development project in Evergreen? Because this initiative could have long-term and far-reaching implications for future development in San Jose, including Coyote Valley.

Both proponents and opponents will be presenting. Come and learn so that you can make an informed decision at the polls in June.

Hosted by the Los Paseos Neighborhood Association