Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

Meet Mayor Mahan and your new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra.

Quarterly Meeting March 16, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

We have an exciting lineup for our next quarterly meeting.

* Our new Mayor, Matt Mahan, will be attending to discuss his upcoming budget priorities. This is a great opportunity to meet the Mayor and give input on what you think is important to include in the budget.

* Also, we are hoping to have our new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra, attend to meet our residents and provide an update on D10 happenings. This is a great opportunity to meet our new Council representative and provide input directly to the Council office on what is important to you. If Councilmember is not available, his Chief of Staff will attend.

* We will be having a Crime update by our SJPD Southern Division, District Yellow representative.

* An update on our neighborhood CERT program (Community Emergency Response Team & SJNCERT), and Vision Zero (efforts to reduce pedestrian traffic deaths). Los Paseos has a group of neighbors preparing for emergencies using radio communications. Learn about this, and how you can join in. This effort is being spread throughout San Jose. LPNA is active in Vision Zero.

We are inviting nearby District 10 neighborhoods to provide the opportunity to meet the Mayor and our new Councilmember.

Click here for the meeting Agenda

Meeting minutes for Dec 8, 2022 General Meeting for member approval

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District 10 City Council candidates to meet the public on Jan. 19 & 20

The six finalist candidates for District 10’s seat on the San Jose City Council will meet and answer questions from the public for the first time this week at two free evening meetings hosted by the Almaden Valley Community Association (AVCA).

At 7pm Thursday (January 19), four of the finalists (Arjun Batra, George Casey, Dennis Hawkins, and J. David Heindel) will attend an in-person event at the Westgate Church auditorium (6601 Camden Ave.) to discuss their qualifications and goals for being on the city council. This meeting will also be accessible over Zoom (https://bit.ly/AVCA2023Jan19) and Facebook Live (https://www.facebook.com/avcasj) .

Two candidates who said they could not attend Thursday’s event (Wendi Mahaney-Gurahoo and Ron Del Pozzo) will participate in a Zoom-only event on Friday, also starting at 7 pm. ( https://bit.ly/AVCA2023Jan20 )

After District 10 councilmember Matt Mahan was elected San Jose Mayor in November, the City Council chose to appoint his successor rather than conduct a special election. Twenty-four residents applied for consideration, and last week the council selected the six finalists. The council will interview each finalist during a special meeting starting at 3pm on January 26 and is expected to decide who will fill the vacancy at the end of the meeting.

Written and oral public comments can be made to council members in accordance with procedures detailed here: https://sanjose.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1067037&GUID=5DE0E02F-0850-4574-8EE6-C334F79BCA11

“Since we don’t have any direct vote in this matter,” said Shiraz Kotadia, AVCA president, “I think it is very important that District 10 residents meet and listen to each finalist and then convey their opinions to the existing council members before they vote on who will represent us for the next two years.”

AVCA is a volunteer-led organization that since 1961 has strived to enhance the quality of life in the Almaden Valley area by facilitating public engagement in civic, economic, and social topics relevant to the community.

AVCA activities include hosting public events with local speakers on timely topics and pre-election forums with candidates and ballot measure discussions. AVCA also posts reports to its website (avcasj.org) on topics such as public safety, planning & zoning, education, transportation, parks & recreation, and youth affairs. The AVCA website (https://www.avcasj.org/) is also a resource for exploring interesting and important information about the Almaden Valley.

LPNA Board Meeting – January 19, 2023, 6:00pm

The timings on the agenda are estimates. This meeting will have a hard stop at 7:00 PM. If a subject carries too long, an action will be made to carry on outside the meeting, reporting to the Board of the results.


  1.  Approve Lynne’s minutes, for posting. (2 minutes)
  2.  Prepare for Qtrly March meeting. Determine agenda, including who will be the presenter. (15 minutes)
  3.  Karen and Greg update LPNA board on Santa Teresa VTA safe parking. (5 minutes)
  4.  Update on the 10 trees recently planted and the previous trees planted (one needs major trimming). Discuss how the trees are holding up in terms of bracing, future volunteer support, etc. (5 minutes)
  5.  CERT update by Herb and Wyman. (10 minutes)
  6.  Discuss setting up a group list, migrating from Greg’s BCC list. We will have to get LPNA members buy-in, educate them of its benefits. (10 minutes)
  7.  Update from Herb on the meeting with Los Paseos Elementary School Principal, District 4, SJ DOT, and SJPD regarding street safety around our 2 local schools. (5 minutes)
  8.  Other, as item may come up, and is approved by the LPNA board.

If you would like to attend this planning and operations meeting as a member of the public, please reach out to Greg Peck via the Contact form for Zoom meeting information.

Video of LPNA Meeting on December 8, 2022

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 LPNA – Board Election
LPNA – Grant Update
LPNA – Holiday Event
LPNA – Los Paseos Park Adoption
LPNA – Tree Planting
LPNA – Los Paseos Park Projects List Update
LPNA – Project Committees
SJPD – Sgt Yates
D10 Councilman/SJ Mayor Elect – Matt Mahan
SJPD – Sgt Yates (continued)
D10 Updates – Michele Dexter

Zoom chatlogs from the meeting

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to district10@sanjoseca.gov or submit a ticket at https://help.sjd10.com/

Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2022

Hello, Los Paseos neighbors.  Hope you enjoyed that rain during the last day or so. Hope all is well.
LPNA quarterly meeting time is here. Come to a Zoom meeting and learn about our area – what’s been going on and what’s coming. You’ll be able to ask questions or give inputs to us for the betterment of our neighborhood.  See the agenda and Zoom invite below. Hope to see you at the meeting.
Choose to Learn. 
  1. LPNA update
    • Election of LPNA officers (Barbara)
    • 2023 BeautifySJ Grant (Barbara)
    • Adopt a Park – LPNA has adopted the Los Paseos Park (Greg)
    • December 3rd Holiday event results
    • Tree planting in Los Paseos Park, Dec 1 (completed by Los Paseos volunteers, Our City Forest and Parks)
    • Los Paseos Park project list – updates given from Parks to LPNA (Herb)
    • Paseo #2 benches – update on this idea presented to LPNA
    • Possibility to start a tree planting committee, and a paseo benches committee
  2. SJPD update for the Los Paseos area (Sgt. Jeffrey Yates)
  3. District 10 Council Office update
    • Happenings in our area
    • Transition process for a new Councilmember in our District 10 Council Office.
  4. LPNA Member inputs to improve our neighborhood and surrounding areas

Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – December 8, 2022, 7 p.m.
Time: Dec 8, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

If you would like to attend this meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you are on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.

Community Tree Planting in Los Paseos Park


Join us THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, from 8:30 am to noon, to plant 10 trees in Los Paseos Park, sponsored by Los Paseos Neighborhood Association, Our City Forest, and PRNS (Parks) Dept.

Please sign up with OCF on Eventbrite linked here to participate. OCF will supply the tools and you will be taught how to plant a tree to ensure its best chance for a healthy life.

You should wear work/gardening clothing, closed-toe shoes, and bring gardening-type gloves. LPNA will supply bottled water. Volunteers under 18 must have a parent/guardian complete the release form and those under 13 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Barbara Canup, Peter Chen and Greg Peck,
Los Paseos Neighborhood Association
Contact us at gardener@lospaseosneighbors.com.

Proposed tree planting locations

8th Annual Los Paseos Neighborhood Holiday Event

8th Annual Los Paseos Neighborhood Holiday Event

December 3, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Los Paseos Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada, San Jose, CA

Kick off the holiday season with your friends & family.

Enjoy a visit from Santa, free hot cocoa and cookies, arts & crafts for the kids

Toys for Tots Drop-off.

Order a tree for your yard (Trees are 4-5‘ plantation Douglas Fir) ahead of time & pick up during the event.  There will be a limited number of trees available at the event.  Cost (selling trees at cost: $22.95 each, 6ft rebar, $9.95)

Call or email Greg Peck at president@lospaseosneighbors.com or call 408-623-9156 to order a tree.

San Jose Mayoral Candidate Forum October 10, 2022

This was hosted by District 5 United

The October 10th San Jose Mayoral Forum with candidates Cindy Chavez and Matt Mahan. Hosted by District 5 United.

Get the answers to these questions:

1. How will you address the unhoused situation, and any impacts to neighborhoods, waterways, and along school routes?
2. What are your thoughts on increasing home ownership, increasing housing stock, and the Community Opportunity to Purchase Act?
3. What are your thoughts on rent control, the tenant protection ordinance, the apartment rent ordinance, rent registry, and/or other rental property topics?
4. What are your thoughts on the preservation and/or addition of parks, trails, open space and natural resources within the City of San Jose, whether in incorporated or unincorporated areas?
5. What are your thoughts on the potential closure of Reid-Hillview Airport?
6. Related to Reid-Hillview Airport: What are your thoughts on the airborne lead level issue?
7. What are your thoughts on programs to support small businesses, employee-owned businesses, and/or workers?
8. What are your top 3 to 5 ways to address the climate crisis?
9. What is your position on allowing non-citizens to vote in San Jose elections?
10. How would you promote public safety?


Upcoming CERT Events

Upcoming CERT Basic Training: 

We are excited to announce that the next CERT Basic Training Course will begin on Tuesday, October 18th.  If you, your family, or friends are interested in joining, please register using the link below.



We are also offering our first Vietnamese CERT Basic Training beginning on Tuesday, October 25th.  We could use help in pushing out to community members, partners, non-profits, etc. that might be interested in supporting or attending.



We are planning to do 2 CERT Basic Trainings every month for the remainder of our fiscal year ending on June 30th.  Our goal is to get as many folks as possible trained up and empowered.  Our focus this year will be to make sure everyone on our waitlist has had the opportunity to take it as well as a focus on other languages and vulnerable populations throughout San Jose.  If you have any ideas on how to reach as many folks as possible, we would love to hear them!


Big News! 

The Santa Clara County CERT Leadership Team (of which we are a part of) has planned a county-wide CERT Skills Day to help everyone keep their CERT skills current.  Please save the date — Saturday, January 21, 2023 — and sign up for the event!

SCC CERT Skills Day

Los Paseos Neighborhood Dumpster Day

When: 10/21, 8am-noon
Where: Los Paseos Elementary School

District 10 Office of Councilmember Arjun Batra is partnering with Los Paseos Neighborhood Association to sponsor a free neighborhood dumpster day. D10 office is providing the dumpsters and volunteer snacks/water and LPNA is providing the volunteers.

We are offering priority dumping opportunity before 8:00 to anyone who volunteers for 1 hour. We need volunteers to attend to each dumpster and directing traffic to available dumpsters. We also need some help with occasional heavy lifting. Residents will be responsible for unloading their items for the most part, but we need to have a few volunteers available to help with larger items.

If you are interested in volunteering for 1 hour on 10/21 between 8:00 – noon, please message us directly, or email vp@lospaseosneighbors.com