STBNA November monthly meeting

You’re probably wondering why we see so much information flowing over from STBNA? Well, simply put, it never hurts to learn from other neighborhood associations what issues they have to solve. However, in particular, Rolund LeBrun serving as President for the STBNA group also works tirelessly on traffic issues that impact our area. In particular, he devotes a great deal of his time advocating on our behalf to ensure High Speed Rail implementation is handled properly without destroying our neighborhoods. To that end, 11/28 is the November monthly meeting for STBNA, details follow:

Date: 11/28
Location: Santa Teresa Public Library Community room
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm


6.30 PM: Video of HSR presentation to the Board of Supervisors on 11/15
7:00 PM: D2 update (Sergio/Roseryn)
7.10 PM: Update on recent developments, including HSR Land Use Committee in Sacramento on 11/28
7.15 PM: Presentation followed by discussion on potential alternative alignments based on recent developments and next steps, including HSR presentation in San Martin on 12/15

Meet the D2 Councilmember Candidates

There are two opportunities next week in our neighborhood to meet your District 2 City Council Candidates:

  • Coffee and cookies with Steve Brown on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7:00 pm at 65 Essendon Way.
  • Meet and greet with Sergio Jimenez on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 6:00 pm, 82 Coburn Court.

There are some very important issues these our next city councilman will be dealing with that directly affect our neighborhood, including the Coyote Valley/Panattoni development and the High Speed Rail – we hope you can take advantage of these opportunities to meet the candidates and share your concerns with them.

High Speed Rail

This coming Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the Edenvale Public Library, the D2 office of Ash Kalra and the CA High Speed Rail Authority are holding a community meeting regarding the San José to Merced Project Section. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about the project proposals  and timeline, and to share your concerns, questions, and comments.

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Stacie Shih at (408) 535-4925, or email


MHUSD candidate forum

Meet and Hear the Candidates at this event sponsored by American Association of University Women, Morgan Hill Life, and Morgan Hill Times. While LPNA may not be directly concerned by Morgan Hill city politics, it is directly impacted by the MHUSD (Morgan Hill Unified School District) to which the schools in our neighborhood belong.

September 29, 2016
Morgan Hill City Council Chambers


Public Safety – Disaster Preparedness

With the recent fire outbreak in the Santa Cruz mountains near Loma Prieta, this topic strikes really close to home, literally and figuratively. Do you wonder…

Are you prepared for an emergency?

Whether that emergency be a fire, a flood, an earthquake, or other type of disaster, you should think about building a go bag that includes minimally the following:

  • Food and water supplies to last you 3 days/person (minimum)
  • Clothing
  • First aid kit (and any necessary medications afflicting members of your party)
  • battery powered radio
  • cellphone
  • flashlight (and/or matches)
  • batteries
  • copies of important family documents (medical records, insurance policies, etc.) stored in a waterproof container
  • If you have pets, build a go bag for them, too (water, food bowl, food, meds, etc.) – cannot stress the importance of maintaining shot records for your pets in the event they must be boarded during a crisis. *Chip them if you haven’t already so they can be reunited with their owner after the disaster*
  • Contacts outside the immediate affected area to notify of your situation

It always takes a disaster to remind us, we cannot and should not procrastinate when it comes to disaster preparedness! We need to prepare for these eventualities!

D2 Participatory Budget – Help get the vote out

On October 8, the city will hold an Expo at the Los Paseos Elementary All Purpose Meeting room from 10:30am-1:00pm.

(Yes it conflicts with Park Clean Up Day, so I would encourage you to attend both events since they are beside one another!!!!)

Come meet the budget delegates driving projects to help improve your neighborhoods. Learn what each project has to offer so you as a voter can make an informed decision as to how to best spend the $1M dollars available from the Calpine grant settlement. Learn more about the process via the City of San Jose web page dedicated to this process:

Here you can register to vote electronically if you are unable attend in person.

You can also learn more about the projects at

Better yet, get involved and let your neighbors know about this process and get them to vote on projects they believe will benefit and improve the entire community.

District 2 candidate forums hosted by League of Women Voters

Many thanks to the League of Women Voters for hosting the District 2 candidate forums this evening, 9/1. Their efforts inform the public of the candidates seeking to represent our community.

They graciously supplied the following handout for voters to learn more about the issues on this years ballot both locally and nationally