Dumpster Day Success on 12/9/2017

Hello, neighbors.

Glad you were able to dispose of your unwanted materials last Saturday. The 5 dumpsters that were hauled away contained about 4 tons per dumpster (per the person who picked them up). That’s a total of ~20 tons or ~40,000 pounds.

They were hauled to a recycle center where they are sorted to different materials. Approximately 95% of the material will be recycled. It’s amazing! All the different types of materials get either shredded (clothes, mattresses), composted, ground, melted to make ready for another round of products.

Going forward, you can schedule free large item pickups, scheduled for pickup on your regular pickup day. You would place the large item per their guidelines at the garbage and trash can locations on your street. Get information and make arrangements at (408) 213-7800. See a flyer of the service, attached here. It shows the Holiday schedule, and a free Christmas tree pickup.

Thanks to the volunteers who pitched in to help make for a smooth operation, and thanks to the D2 office, for the outreach from Vanessa Sandoval and Laura Nguyen to LPNA, enabling this event to be held in the Los Paseos neighborhood. The volunteers were ebullient and happy to help as they worked throughout the day.

Check out some of our ambitious and hardworking neighbors who volunteered, and some who hauled by handcart some junk to be thrown away.

Greg Peck

Video of LPNA meeting 12/7/2017

For those unable to attend the our meeting, please feel free to view the recorded session below. Still ironing out the bugs to the process, and definitely need to remember to detach the monitoring headset when stepping away from the camera, or else everything tends to follow you around, literally. 😀 So apologies for that mishap, but otherwise, the recording is presentable. The audio was not cleanly processed as I like, but due to time constraints to make this information available prior to the 12/12 City Council meeting, it will have to do. 

The SPURS slide deck presentation is available for PDF download here

Women in the Trades

The Trades Orientation Program is now accepting applications for its 2018 classes.

Women are highly encouraged to apply. Please help us spread the word to potential applicants to this intensive career exploration program for the cutting-edge Silicon Valley construction industry.

Two special “Women in the Trades” orientation sessions will be held on Dec. 5 and Dec. 11.

Sign up here: www.wpusa.org/top.

General orientations open to both men and women will be held from Dec 4 – 14.

Individuals who are homeless, in transitional housing, CalFRESH recipients, or U.S. military veterans may be eligible for priority admission.

There is no cost to students for this nationally certificated, 130-hour career training program.

Participants will learn what it takes to successfully apply to become a working apprentice in the trade of their choice, such as Carpenter, Electrician, HVACR Tech, Roofer, Pipefitter, Plasterer, Ironworker, Sheet Metal, and more.

To reserve a spot for orientation, interested applicants can visit www.wpusa.org/top or call Ari at 408-809-2113.

If you have questions or are interested in a presentation to your community, please contact Louise Auerhahn at lauerhahn@wpusa.org.


This program is supported in part by the Santa Clara County Office of Supportive Housing and by Prop. 39 pre-apprenticeship funding from the California Workforce Development Board.

Highway 85 Community Meeting on 11/9/2017

For those of you unable to attend the Highway 85 Community Meeting held on 11/9. You can view it here to catch up on discussion topics:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk35wDOW4Sk]

You can learn more about the study here at http://www.vta.org/85study

You can provide the VTA insight by completing a survey on how you use Highway 85 here at http://bit.ly/SR85-survey

Board Elections 2018

Election Process for LPNA Board

The entire Board of Officers comes up for election for the calendar year 2018 at LPNA’s next general meeting on December 7th. The elected Officer positions and their duties are:

President:  The President prepares and publishes the agendas and presides at general meetings and Board meetings; obtains speakers for general meetings; facilitates the other activities of LPNA, including applying for permits for activities (such as National Night Out, park improvements, and special events); exercises general powers of administration consistent with the office; appoints committee members with approval of the Board; reviews bank statements and disbursements made; and acts as the official spokesperson for LPNA.

Vice President:  The Vice-President assists the President with the duties noted above; assumes the duties of the President in that Officer’s absence; coordinates the activities of any committees; and serves as an authorized check signer in addition to the Treasurer. Currently the Vice President is also responsible for the quarterly newsletter.

Secretary:  The Secretary keeps the minutes of general meetings and Board meetings; is responsible for correspondence at the direction of the President; and keeps records of attendance at meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for maintaining available for inspection the documents and records required for legal purposes and under grants and the LPNA Bylaws.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer is held accountable for all funds; gives a financial update at least annually at a general meeting; receives, safeguards and disburses funds; keeps proper financial records; proposes budgets to the Board; and provides bank statements for review by the President. The Treasurer also manages grant applications and grant-related accountings, and files tax documents.

Member-at-Large (2):  The Members-at-Large assist the Board with responsibilities assigned by the Board or may be requested to take over responsibilities of another Officer on a temporary basis when an Officer is unavailable. One current Member-at-Large serves as the LPNA webmaster, and the other is responsible for activities, projects, and issues related to Los Paseos Park.

Nomination process under LPNA Bylaws:

“Nominations of candidates for elected positions shall be submitted through the LPNA web site, (About / Contact Us) or in writing (including by email) to any Officer, at least 30 days prior to the meeting when the election will take place.”

Nominations will close at midnight on November 7th.  

The election will take place at the December 7, 2017 General Meeting at the Los Paseos HOA Clubhouse on Via Ramada, beginning at 7 PM (thanks to the LP HOA for allowing us to use their venue). (Members (residents) over the age of 18 may vote.

Current Board members have expressed their intent to nominate themselves for the same positions for 2018.