National Night Out 2018


Thank you to all our neighbors who came out to Los Paseos National Night Out last night.  It was a super fun evening. Mark your calendar for next year’s NNO on August 6, 2019.

Thanks to Crimson Blues for great music; to Brian the Bubble Guy for entertaining us with his magical bubbles; to our neighbor, Carlos, for providing the tables, chairs and canopies; and to all our volunteers who came out to support our event.  We could not make this event as special as it is without you.

Thanks also to all our community groups and vendors who participated by hosting an information table, and to all our Fire, Police, CHP and Sheriff’s officers who were there mingling with our neighbors and showing off their cool cars/trucks and equipment.  And finally, thanks to our sponsors who helped with the costs to put on this great event:

– Angie Cocke M&M and Associates/Century 21 Real Estate

– Pesta and Pesta Wealth Management

– PremierOne Credit Union

– Damon and Jenn Holst/Intero Real Estate Services

– Costco

– Low & Witte Orthodontics

– Jamba Juice

If you didn’t get a chance, go check out the nice chalk art drawings.  The winners of our Chalk Art Contest were:

8-12 grade:

1st: Matthew Lombardi

2nd: Rie Soares

3rd: Sieara Soares

5-7 Grade

1st:  Ruitong Khor

2nd. Alyssa Tabruchi

3rd, Arikka Marasas

K-4 Grade

1st: Ava Olson

2nd: Oliven Katz

3rd: Abby Brown

See you next year!

LPNA Board

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Video for HSR Community Update Meeting

For those unable to attend the HSR Community Update Meeting held at the Southside Community Center

Time 0:00:00 Karen Lattin (LPNA) Introductions
Time 0:01:20 Maribel Villareal (D2 Office) Overview of City Participation
Time 0:03:28 Boris Lipkin (HSR) Project Overview
Time 0:11:02 Brian Stanke (CofSJ DOT) City Generated Options
Time 0:40:30 Boris Lipkin (HSR) 2018 Business Plan
Time 1:59:00 Karen Lattin (LPNA) Closing comments

High Speed Rail Community Update

Join Los Paseos Neighborhood Association for a community update on High Speed Rail. With the Draft 2018 Business Plan recently released, changes have been proposed for the entire alignment including the Monterey Corridor.. 

High Speed Rail Authority has proposed a new blended alignment for the entire length of San Jose in conjunction with expanded Caltrain service to Gilroy (similar to the blended system between San Francisco and Diridon). The City of San Jose Dept of Transportation has proposed two City-Generated Options (CGO) for the corridor instead of the blended system. 

High Speed Rail Authority, Caltrain and San Jose Dept of Transportation will be presenting information on these various new alignments. Come find out how these proposed changes would impact the Monterey Corridor. 

Thursday, June 14th
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Southside Community Center
5585 Cottle Rd, San Jose, CA 95123 

Los Paseos Park – LPNA Catalpa Speciosa Tree Project

A HUGE thanks to the members in the community working on Los Paseos Park projects. They planted trees on March 17th. Follow their progress along with their maintainers in the photo gallery below:

Trees Planted March 17, 2018 with the help of Our City Forest and AmeriCorps volunteers. The following shows the progression of the trees’ growth since planting…..

April 20, 2018 —

May 08, 2018 —

May 21, 2018 —

May 29, 2018 —

District 2 Housing Town Hall Recap

Thought I would share the D2 office email that went out to subscribers regarding the Housing Town Hall meeting held on May 24, 2018 at the Southside Community Center addressing the following:

Santa Clara County is changing. Why?
  • Santa Clara County is projected to add 300,000 people (the equivalent of two Sunnyvales) over the next 10-15 years
  • Two-thirds of the population growth will come from people ages 65 and older – because people are living longer
  • Santa Clara County is becoming more urban to keep up with the demand of the population
  • We need to act urgently to prepare for our rapidly increasing and aging population

We must plan our City not for what we see now, but for the future

  • Rental rights and recent changes for tenants and landlords in San Jose
  • Rent Stabilization Program
  • Mobilehome Rent Ordinance
  • Apartment Rent Ordinance
  • Tenant Protection Ordinance
  • Ellis Act Ordinance

The Facebook live videocast of the meeting is available here.

The PowerPoint presentation entitled “Housing Department Know Your Rights” is available from the San Jose City website document library.


If you want to receive the D2 email directly, sign up on their Constant Contact mailing list. This link is subject to change, but can always be located on the official District 2 website on the City of San Jose site.

Video of LPNA meeting May 17, 2018

For those unable to attend our Q2 meeting the videos of the meeting are included below

Part 1

A. Call to Order
B. LPNA Business
C. Updates for D2 issues, and PB Round 1 and 2 project status
D. Presentations – Safety By SJPD Capt. Fong, part 1

Part 2

D: Presentations (continued)

Safety By SJPD Capt. Fong, part 2
Safety by CHP, Ross Lee
PB Parks project update
DOT PB updates for Paseos, Santa Teresa Blvd
Los Paseos Park Uplift update (Adriel Castro) Part 1

Part 3

D: Presentations (continued)

Los Paseos Park Uplift update (Adriel Castro) Part 2
Art Box project update
Measures B/C – Neighbors for Affordable Housing (Jacquie Heffner) Part 1

Part 4

D: Presentations (continued)

Measures B/C – Neighbors for Affordable Housing (Jacquie Heffner) Part 2

Los Paseos Art Box Project

At the Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA) meeting on Thursday, May 17 (7pm at the Santa Teresa Library), we will discuss a project to paint “Art Boxes” at each of the two main entrances to the Los Paseos Neighborhood. These are the traffic light control boxes in front of Fire Station 27 and on Avenida Espana in front of Martin Murphy Middle School. Through the 2018 BeautifySJ grant program, LPNA has received funding to complete this project. A similar project was proposed in the previous Participatory Budget Process, but it was not funded then.

We are in the process of collecting ideas for the art work and, with the help of an art advisor for the City, selecting a professional artist or artists to do the painting. We will need community volunteers for a day of prep work on the boxes and for follow-up/monitoring after they are painted. If you are interested in the project, but not able to attend the meeting on Thursday, please send an email to:

Barbara Canup

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association

Quarterly meeting 5/17

LPNA is holding its Quarterly neighborhood meeting…

May 17, Santa Teresa Library, 7:00 p.m. 


Please arrive in time to start at 7:00 p.m. Thanks

A. Call to Order 
B. LPNA Business
C. Updates 
     • District 2 update – District 2 staff will give updates 
     • PB – Round 2; Round 1 (cameras) 
D. Presentations             
     • Safety – SJPD (Capt. Fong), CHP (Ross Lee) 
     • Art Box Project, an LPNA project (Tina Morrill) 
     • Los Paseos Park Uplift update, an LPNA project (Dan Greeley, Park Supervisor) 
     • Measure B – Neighbors for Affordable Housing & Open Space 
E. Questions and Answers 
F. Next Meeting – August 16, 2018, Santa Teresa Branch Library, 7:00 p.m. 
G. Adjourn 
As you can see we will have a lot of important updates for our area at this meeting. Hope to see you at the meeting. 
Prior to this meeting, the February 15 meeting Minutes will be sent to LPNA email list for review. Please read and comment with any modifications or corrections you may see needed. 
Thanks and Regards, 
Greg Peck 

Park Uplift follow-up

After all the Los Paseos Park volunteer efforts on 4/29 and Parks department enhancements over the past several weeks, the park not only looks great during the daytime, but also at night! The restroom facility received new LED lighting to better illuminate the restrooms and the surrounding area.

By mid-summer, in conjunction with some PB projects the community supported, the walking path will also receive Solar lighting to illuminate the walking path between the picnic area and the tennis courts. What looks great and enjoyed during the daytime will continue on into the evening!

Park Uplift

The restroom building, the picnic area and the playground at Los Paseos Park got a facelift! When? Sunday, April 29.

Bernal Church volunteers, with help from Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA) members and the Parks Department, painted the restroom building, refurbished the picnic area grounds with more decomposed granite, and added 100 yards of fibar (playground wood chips) to the playground.

Our park are an inviting place, and community members strive to make it an even better place.

Cheers to the group for offering a helping hand to spruce up the park.


Greg Peck

Restroom Building Before

Restroom Building After

General Improvement Activities

Feeding of the Troops