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Meet & Greet with Chief of Police, Paul Joseph

This is an event sponsored by the District 2 Neighborhood Leadership Council (D2 NLC) Meet & Greet with Chief of Police, Paul Joseph Monday, February 3 at Bossman’s Pizza 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Happy Half Hour 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Meet & Greet RSVP is required; via link https://bit.ly/3RYhxsr  or QR code below:

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Video of LPNA Meeting on December 12, 2024

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. This was a hybrid meeting (both in-person and remote). The audio issues were mostly resolved this time around and audible for both in person attendees as well the remote Zoom attendees. 00:00 Meeting start…

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Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2024

LPNA Quarterly Meeting Join LPNA for our Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, December 12th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm HYBRID MEETING (Via Zoom and in-person at LPHOA Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada, San Jose, CA 95139 ). Agenda LPNA Update Election of Officers SJPD Update District 10 Council Office Update Village HUB presentation on Emergency Preparedness Initiative Pizza and Cookies…

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Video of LPNA Meeting on September 21, 2024

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. This was a hybrid meeting (both in-person and remote). There were audio quality issues, and unexpected Internet connectivity issues. When you reach those portions of the recording, let it continue playing. It is not…

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Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2024

LPNA Quarterly Meeting Join LPNA for our Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, September 19th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm HYBRID MEETING (Via Zoom and in-person at LPHOA Clubhouse, 7047 Via Ramada, San Jose, CA 95139 ). As we approach the end of summer, we enter the most dangerous time for wildfires.  San Jose Fire Dept will present information…

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Second (New) Community Meeting – Plan to Convert Monterey/Bernal EIH to a Jail Diversion Program

SEPTEMBER 11th, 6:00 – 7:30 via Zoom. https://sccgov-org.zoom. us/j/95253780291 Meeting ID: 952 5378 0291 Join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 +1 669 219 2599 Please take this opportunity to provide feedback to County representatives whether you are for or against it, and to ask questions about the Jail Diversion Program being proposed to replace…

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LPNA Board Meeting – August 28, 2024

Hello, LPNA Team. Proposed agenda for Wednesday’s ( August 28th) LPNA board meeting. 1.  Plan an agenda for September 19 General Meeting. (All) 1.1 Plan agenda items 1.2 Who contacts presenter if we decide to have one? 1.2 Zoom only or hybrid at LPHOA clubhouse or at library? 2. Set a date and venue for…

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Monterey/Bernal Neighborhood Meet and Greet

Forwarding this notification from the D2 office given its close proximity to Los Paseos. MONTEREY/BERNAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEET & GREET Thursday, August 15th 6-7 p.m. Zoom link: https://sccgov-org.zoom.us/j/92220332664 Meeting ID: 922 2033 2664 The County of Santa Clara has offered to purchase the Monterey/Bernal Emergency Interim Housing site from the City of San José. Join us…