HSR Update for Edenvale

December 7th @ 6:30 p.m. 
Edenvale Community Center, 330 Branham Lane East, San Jose

Meeting hosted by Edenvale Great Oaks Plan Implementation Coalition during which representatives of the HSR authority will provide an update on the current state of HSR specifically for the Edenvale area. This is another opportunity to show the HSR authorities that we are engaged and ready to fight if they don’t consider our concerns.

To keep up to date one can return to this site for information, or sign up directly to yahoo groups for ourhsrsouthbay:


STBNA November monthly meeting

You’re probably wondering why we see so much information flowing over from STBNA? Well, simply put, it never hurts to learn from other neighborhood associations what issues they have to solve. However, in particular, Rolund LeBrun serving as President for the STBNA group also works tirelessly on traffic issues that impact our area. In particular, he devotes a great deal of his time advocating on our behalf to ensure High Speed Rail implementation is handled properly without destroying our neighborhoods. To that end, 11/28 is the November monthly meeting for STBNA, details follow:

Date: 11/28
Location: Santa Teresa Public Library Community room
Time: 6:30pm-8:00pm


6.30 PM: Video of HSR presentation to the Board of Supervisors on 11/15
7:00 PM: D2 update (Sergio/Roseryn)
7.10 PM: Update on recent developments, including HSR Land Use Committee in Sacramento on 11/28
7.15 PM: Presentation followed by discussion on potential alternative alignments based on recent developments and next steps, including HSR presentation in San Martin on 12/15

San Jose Gun Buy Back

Date: December 3, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: San Jose Police Department Training Substation
6087 Great Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95113
Gunbuy back_v6_212x124_thumb.jpg (212×274)Local residents will have the opportunity to voluntarily turn in firearms in exchange for gift cards anonymously. Those who turn in a gun will receive a gift card. $100 will be given for handguns, rifles and shotguns and $200 for assault weapons. Transport UNLOADED weapons in the trunk of your car. No walk -ups. No ammunition. Funds are limited. We reserve the right to limit funds to an individual, regardless of the number of weapons surrendered. Weapons must be functional. Guns collected will be checked for lost or stolen status, and if applicable, will be returned to their legal owners. All other firearms will be prepared for destruction. Funding for this important event is raised from public and private donors and tax-deductible donated funds are held by San Jose Police Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) account. If you would like to make a contribution to this event, please visit: http://www.sanjosepolicefoundation.org/cause/san-jose-gun-buy-back/

D2 PB funding for the Bernal to Bailey $1M

You may have seen, a few days ago on Nextdoor, a post by Joshua Barousse, a District 2 Council Aide, indicating the District 2 PB voting process has resumed. Search for his post or see it below.

Below is the post and flyers associated with the resumption of voting. Register to vote in this PB process by linking to the websites shown in links below, registering, then awaiting a confirmation email from a District 2 staff (possibly Erika Salazar), asking for validation of your house address, like a recent PGE bill, a copy of water bill, etc. You can cross off the account number. You can view the project ideas in the voting ballot on the City’s website.




High Speed Rail impact upon D2 neighborhoods

Roland Lebrun was gracious enough to provide his slides for the High Speed Rail presentation at both the LPNA and STBNA meetings here , 10/22-10/24. Please review if you were unable to attend either meeting or the D2 office presentation in conjunction with HSRA on 10/27. There are MANY issues which impact our communities and it is best everyone become familiar with them in order to make an informed decision as to how you want it to proceed.


Meet the D2 Councilmember Candidates

There are two opportunities next week in our neighborhood to meet your District 2 City Council Candidates:

  • Coffee and cookies with Steve Brown on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7:00 pm at 65 Essendon Way.
  • Meet and greet with Sergio Jimenez on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 6:00 pm, 82 Coburn Court.

There are some very important issues these our next city councilman will be dealing with that directly affect our neighborhood, including the Coyote Valley/Panattoni development and the High Speed Rail – we hope you can take advantage of these opportunities to meet the candidates and share your concerns with them.

High Speed Rail

This coming Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the Edenvale Public Library, the D2 office of Ash Kalra and the CA High Speed Rail Authority are holding a community meeting regarding the San José to Merced Project Section. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about the project proposals  and timeline, and to share your concerns, questions, and comments.

For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Stacie Shih at (408) 535-4925, or email stacie.shih@sanjoseca.gov


D2 Participatory Budget – Help get the vote out

On October 8, the city will hold an Expo at the Los Paseos Elementary All Purpose Meeting room from 10:30am-1:00pm.

(Yes it conflicts with Park Clean Up Day, so I would encourage you to attend both events since they are beside one another!!!!)

Come meet the budget delegates driving projects to help improve your neighborhoods. Learn what each project has to offer so you as a voter can make an informed decision as to how to best spend the $1M dollars available from the Calpine grant settlement. Learn more about the process via the City of San Jose web page dedicated to this process:


Here you can register to vote electronically if you are unable attend in person.

You can also learn more about the projects at ourmillion.org

Better yet, get involved and let your neighbors know about this process and get them to vote on projects they believe will benefit and improve the entire community.