Coffee With A Cop

Where: Starbucks at 125 Bernal Road, San Jose, CA 95119

When: Saturday, May 27, 9:00 to 11:00 am.

Starbucks at Bernal Rd and Via Del Oro (between Staples and Lucky) is inviting the neighborhood to “Coffee with a Cop” on Saturday, May 27, 9:00 to 11:00 am. This is an opportunity for a casual meeting with San Jose law enforcement to discuss issues that matter to our community. Starbucks will have coffee, snacks and some activities for kids as well.This is an opportunity for a casual meeting with San Jose law enforcement to discuss issues that matter to our community.

Starbucks will have coffee, snacks, and some activities for kids as well.

Video of LPNA Meeting on March 16, 2023

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 Meeting start
LPNA Business
Police update – Captain Donahue and Sgt Yates
Matthew Quevedo/Jim Reed Presenting on Behalf of Matt Mahan
Matt Mahan prerecorded video
Q&A with Matt Quevedo and Jim Reed
Arjun Batra D10 Councilman
Herb Bowen – CERT & Vision Zero
Karen Lattin – Update on Rue Ferrari, Bernal Rd, and VTA safe parking
Greg Peck – Update on Illegal Fireworks law enforcement

FY 23-24 March Budget Message

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to or submit a ticket at

Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2023

Hello, Neighbors.

Meet Mayor Mahan and your new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra.

Quarterly Meeting March 16, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

We have an exciting lineup for our next quarterly meeting.

* Our new Mayor, Matt Mahan, will be attending to discuss his upcoming budget priorities. This is a great opportunity to meet the Mayor and give input on what you think is important to include in the budget.

* Also, we are hoping to have our new District 10 Councilmember, Arjun Batra, attend to meet our residents and provide an update on D10 happenings. This is a great opportunity to meet our new Council representative and provide input directly to the Council office on what is important to you. If Councilmember is not available, his Chief of Staff will attend.

* We will be having a Crime update by our SJPD Southern Division, District Yellow representative.

* An update on our neighborhood CERT program (Community Emergency Response Team & SJNCERT), and Vision Zero (efforts to reduce pedestrian traffic deaths). Los Paseos has a group of neighbors preparing for emergencies using radio communications. Learn about this, and how you can join in. This effort is being spread throughout San Jose. LPNA is active in Vision Zero.

We are inviting nearby District 10 neighborhoods to provide the opportunity to meet the Mayor and our new Councilmember.

Click here for the meeting Agenda

Meeting minutes for Dec 8, 2022 General Meeting for member approval

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 3094 3812
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,81330943812# US
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Dial by your location
+1 669 444 9171 US
Meeting ID: 813 3094 3812

Video of LPNA Meeting on December 8, 2022

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

00:00 LPNA – Board Election
LPNA – Grant Update
LPNA – Holiday Event
LPNA – Los Paseos Park Adoption
LPNA – Tree Planting
LPNA – Los Paseos Park Projects List Update
LPNA – Project Committees
SJPD – Sgt Yates
D10 Councilman/SJ Mayor Elect – Matt Mahan
SJPD – Sgt Yates (continued)
D10 Updates – Michele Dexter

Zoom chatlogs from the meeting

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to or submit a ticket at

Quarterly Meeting for Q4 2022

Hello, Los Paseos neighbors.  Hope you enjoyed that rain during the last day or so. Hope all is well.
LPNA quarterly meeting time is here. Come to a Zoom meeting and learn about our area – what’s been going on and what’s coming. You’ll be able to ask questions or give inputs to us for the betterment of our neighborhood.  See the agenda and Zoom invite below. Hope to see you at the meeting.
Choose to Learn. 
  1. LPNA update
    • Election of LPNA officers (Barbara)
    • 2023 BeautifySJ Grant (Barbara)
    • Adopt a Park – LPNA has adopted the Los Paseos Park (Greg)
    • December 3rd Holiday event results
    • Tree planting in Los Paseos Park, Dec 1 (completed by Los Paseos volunteers, Our City Forest and Parks)
    • Los Paseos Park project list – updates given from Parks to LPNA (Herb)
    • Paseo #2 benches – update on this idea presented to LPNA
    • Possibility to start a tree planting committee, and a paseo benches committee
  2. SJPD update for the Los Paseos area (Sgt. Jeffrey Yates)
  3. District 10 Council Office update
    • Happenings in our area
    • Transition process for a new Councilmember in our District 10 Council Office.
  4. LPNA Member inputs to improve our neighborhood and surrounding areas

Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – December 8, 2022, 7 p.m.
Time: Dec 8, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

If you would like to attend this meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you are on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.

San Jose Mayoral Candidate Forum October 10, 2022

This was hosted by District 5 United

The October 10th San Jose Mayoral Forum with candidates Cindy Chavez and Matt Mahan. Hosted by District 5 United.

Get the answers to these questions:

1. How will you address the unhoused situation, and any impacts to neighborhoods, waterways, and along school routes?
2. What are your thoughts on increasing home ownership, increasing housing stock, and the Community Opportunity to Purchase Act?
3. What are your thoughts on rent control, the tenant protection ordinance, the apartment rent ordinance, rent registry, and/or other rental property topics?
4. What are your thoughts on the preservation and/or addition of parks, trails, open space and natural resources within the City of San Jose, whether in incorporated or unincorporated areas?
5. What are your thoughts on the potential closure of Reid-Hillview Airport?
6. Related to Reid-Hillview Airport: What are your thoughts on the airborne lead level issue?
7. What are your thoughts on programs to support small businesses, employee-owned businesses, and/or workers?
8. What are your top 3 to 5 ways to address the climate crisis?
9. What is your position on allowing non-citizens to vote in San Jose elections?
10. How would you promote public safety?

Video of LPNA Meeting on September 15, 2022

For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing.

NOTE: Due to technical issues during the meeting, a brief disruption occurred during the D10 update. It was not an intentional edit.

Introductions for participants
LPNA Business
D10 Office Update – Tiffany Dang
SJPD – Lt. Brent McKim
Office of Senator Dave Cortese
Open Space Authority – Nick Perry and Marc Landgraf

Zoom chat logs from the meeting

If you have an issue requiring attention from the District 10 office, send an email to or submit a ticket at

Quarterly Meeting for Q3 2022

Hope you can join us for this meeting.

Main presenter is from Open Space Authority.

1. LPNA update – Los Paseos Park update – garden and park adoption; CERT update (making progress)
2. District 10 Council Office update on local items in our area – Tiffany Dang
3. SJPD – update of our area – Lt. Brent McKim
4. Open Space Authority – Coyote Valley plans – Nick Perry
5. Q&A, ideas for future meetings
6. Adjourn


Topic: LPNA Qtrly Mtg – September 15, 2022, 7 p.m.
Time: Sep 15, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

If you would like to attend this meeting, you can request the Zoom meeting information via the Contact Us page. Otherwise, if you are on the LPNA mailing list, check your email for meeting information.

NNO 2022

A huge THANKS to all our community members that attended our annual National Night Out event at Los Paseos Park! That includes all our volunteers, local businesses and organizations supporting our community, the Crimson Blues Band, the first responders (SJPD and SJFD), and of course, you, our neighbors. There was food, fun, chalk art contest, and the live band providing entertainment. If you were unable to join us, peruse the photo gallery to see what you missed. Get involved with the community. Get to know your neighbors! We will see you next year or at one of our quarterly meetings.

 * Images loading from Google Drive at full resolution. *


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Upcoming CERT Training for August

Forwarded from the office of Chris Losavio, City of San Jose Office of Emergency Management

Good Afternoon All,

I hope you are enjoying your summer!!  I have a few updates and opportunities I wanted to share.

First of all, I am excited to announce our next upcoming City of San Jose Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training for August.  It will take place from August 9th – September 10th.  If you have any loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, or friends that might be interested, please help us in spreading the word!  Below is the link and I have also attached a QR code.  Thank you!!

If interested, please sign up here:

We are also looking for help in better connecting folks who speak languages other than English and other underserved communities throughout San Jose and provide CERT classes for them.  If you have any good connections or ideas  on how to help we would love to hear from you!  Please contact me directly at

Chris Losavio

Senior Executive Analyst / CERT Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management

City of San José
408-300-3810 (Mobile)
