Quarterly Meeting for Q1 2021

Please join Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA) for our quarterly Zoom meeting on March 25th at 7:00 – 8:30 pm. 

Below is the agenda with the great topics we will be covering. 
  • LPNA business and projects update
  • Council District 2 office update
  • Linden Skjeie of the Environmental Services Department, presenting on Recycling will be discussing items that many of us have questions about regarding whether they are recyclable. We’ll have some pictures of common items. If you want to send a photo of something you have been wondering about, send it to president@lospaseosneighbors.com
  • Ashley Katz, a Los Paseos neighbor, and her sister, Alex Grand: Start Your Journey to Low Waste (reduce garbage waste)
  • Andrea Urton of HomeFirst will provide an update on the two Emergency Interim Housing sites at Monterey & Bernal and Rue Ferrari
We hope to see you at the Zoom Meeting. The Join Zoom Meeting link is below.
Topic: Los Paseos Neighborhood Association March 25, 2021 Meeting 
Time: Mar 25, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
Meeting ID: 222 251 1714 
One tap mobile +16699009128,,2222511714# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Site update and coming changes

Recently, we upgraded our hosting package for our site and eliminated some of the constraints binding the usefulness of the site. In the coming weeks we will be updating the site and making constant improvements to it. Part of that updating entails some of the “nice” functionality lost from the base hosting package that requires rebuilding that capability with additional plugins. For those already subscribed to the site “Follow blog via e-mail”, no action is required. This information was imported to the new site. WordPress users subscribed by wordpress login need to opt-in via the “Follow blog via e-mail” on the front page or under the archives listing under News.

The changes allow us to better manage the information presented by the group and its usefulness towards the neighborhood. We appreciate everyones support, and strive to serve everyone in our community with the best and most pertinent information available.

As always, if you need to reach out to submit ideas, provide feedback, or unsubscribe, we would appreciate to hear from you via the Contact Us page

COVID-19 updates from Santa Clara County

On February 3, 2021 County Supervisor Mike Wasserman issued his monthly newsletter. Within it he included updated information pertaining to vaccinations and testing. In an excerpt from his newsletter:

Since January 28th, the County of Santa Clara Health System has been offering COVID-19 vaccinations to residents 65 years old and older, following the State’s updated guidance. We continue to urge the State to allocate more vaccines to the County so that we can increase the number of vaccinations each day.

Local residents within the eligible categories (who are not a regular patient of Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation or Stanford Healthcare) can schedule an appointment through one of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s vaccination clinic sites. For Kaiser, Palo Alto Medical Foundation or Stanford Healthcare patients, please contact your healthcare provider for vaccination eligibility and scheduling.

President Joe Biden recently announced that the Federal government plans to purchase 200 million more COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna. This would result in fully vaccinating the American population by the end of summer or early fall of 2021.

For our part, the County will continue to administer as many vaccines as we are given as quickly as possible and will continue to follow the rules set by the Federal and State governments for distribution.”

Vaccination Appointments can be schedule through the SCC website with each of the various medical facilities serving the county.


Testing is still a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19. While some people have gone in for regular testing for months, others are seeking it out for the first time. Widespread testing provides a more accurate picture of how many cases exist in our community and helps the County Public Health Department understand how and where the virus is spreading.

Visit the County’s COVID-19 testing website to:”

    • Search for a Test Site
    • Search for sites by City
    • Search for sites Near You
    • Search for sites by Date
    • Search for sites by Provider
    • See All County Testing Sites

Schedule a free test through the SCC website

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