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Upcoming CERT Training for August

Forwarded from the office of Chris Losavio, City of San Jose Office of Emergency Management

Good Afternoon All,

I hope you are enjoying your summer!!  I have a few updates and opportunities I wanted to share.

First of all, I am excited to announce our next upcoming City of San Jose Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Training for August.  It will take place from August 9th – September 10th.  If you have any loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, or friends that might be interested, please help us in spreading the word!  Below is the link and I have also attached a QR code.  Thank you!!

If interested, please sign up here:  https://tinyurl.com/6e5zswn5

We are also looking for help in better connecting folks who speak languages other than English and other underserved communities throughout San Jose and provide CERT classes for them.  If you have any good connections or ideas  on how to help we would love to hear from you!  Please contact me directly at christopher.losavio@sanjoseca.gov

Chris Losavio

Senior Executive Analyst / CERT Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management

City of San José
408-300-3810 (Mobile)


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