Site update and coming changes

Recently, we upgraded our hosting package for our site and eliminated some of the constraints binding the usefulness of the site. In the coming weeks we will be updating the site and making constant improvements to it. Part of that updating entails some of the “nice” functionality lost from the base hosting package that requires rebuilding that capability with additional plugins. For those already subscribed to the site “Follow blog via e-mail”, no action is required. This information was imported to the new site. WordPress users subscribed by wordpress login need to opt-in via the “Follow blog via e-mail” on the front page or under the archives listing under News.

The changes allow us to better manage the information presented by the group and its usefulness towards the neighborhood. We appreciate everyones support, and strive to serve everyone in our community with the best and most pertinent information available.

As always, if you need to reach out to submit ideas, provide feedback, or unsubscribe, we would appreciate to hear from you via the Contact Us page

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