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STBNA (Santa Teresa Bernal Neighborhood Association) meeting 8/29 @6:30PM – High Speed Rail update
LPNA works with other (NA) Neighborhood Associations as well as participates at the (NLC) Neighborhood Leadership Council meetings. So if a nearby NA hosts a topic we believe beneficial to our members, we’ll post it here on your behalf. With that said, STBNA monthly meetings are held at: Santa Teresa Public Library (Community Room) 290 International Circle…
Holiday Train
Holiday Train Dec. 2 and 3, 2017 Celebrate the season with the Holiday Train! This beloved Bay Area tradition features a glittering train, a community toy drive and fun characters that delight families at train stations from San Francisco to Santa Clara. Glowing with thousands of lights and holiday decorations, the Holiday Train will stop at nine…
Dumpster Day Success on 12/9/2017
Hello, neighbors. Glad you were able to dispose of your unwanted materials last Saturday. The 5 dumpsters that were hauled away contained about 4 tons per dumpster (per the person who picked them up). That’s a total of ~20 tons or ~40,000 pounds. They were hauled to a recycle center where they are sorted to…
Los Paseos Neighborhood Dumpster Day
When: 10/21, 8am-noon Where: Los Paseos Elementary School District 10 Office of Councilmember Arjun Batra is partnering with Los Paseos Neighborhood Association to sponsor a free neighborhood dumpster day. D10 office is providing the dumpsters and volunteer snacks/water and LPNA is providing the volunteers. We are offering priority dumping opportunity before 8:00 to anyone who…
Video of LPNA Meeting on June 16, 2022
For those unable to attend the last meeting due to the other commitments, we are posting the video here for your viewing. 00:00 LPNA Business and Announcements 08:15 D10 Updates by Matthew Quevedo 18:50 Q&A 29:20 Destination Home by David Low 58:46 Q&A
MHUSD candidate forum
Meet and Hear the Candidates at this event sponsored by American Association of University Women, Morgan Hill Life, and Morgan Hill Times. While LPNA may not be directly concerned by Morgan Hill city politics, it is directly impacted by the MHUSD (Morgan Hill Unified School District) to which the schools in our neighborhood belong. September…