LPNA Summer BBQ in the Park

LPNA BBQ in the Park.
JUNE 23rd, 6:00 – 8:00 pm

Come and enjoy hot dogs and fixin’s in Los Paseos Park. This is a chance to meet your neighbors, meet the LPNA board and let us know what is important to our neighborhood. We will also have Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Table and demonstrate the work we have been doing in Los Paseos on emergency preparedness with our 2-way radio system. Get information about the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and how to protect your family in an emergency. Free drawing for Emergency Preparedness supplies.



LPNA BBQ in Los Paseos Park

Los Paseos Neighbors, you are invited:

Thursday, September 27th

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association Hosts

BBQ in Los Paseos Park

5:30 to 7:00 pm (or however long people want to stay)

We will be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers in the park to thank you and your families for your help and support. We’ve accomplished a lot in the past year:  new trees and benches in the park, Fibar for the playground and painting the restrooms, another outstanding National Night Out in August, a Dumpster Day, clothing collection for the homeless, and special meetings to discuss homelessness issues and solutions, and the impact of High Speed Rail.

This is a fun social event, but it will also be an opportunity to show you what we’ve done in the park and talk about our future the plans. We will also invite our friends in the Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services Department and D2 Office to thank them for all their assistance.

Please mark your calendars for September 27th, and we hope to see you there!

RSVP is not strictly required, but a tentative headcount will help with our planning and purchasing. Please reply to treasurer@lospaseosneighbors.com.

Funding for this event is provided by the BeautifySJ grant from the City of San Jose.