
SJ City Council issues memo regarding Fireworks Ordinance

At a recent SJ City Council meeting, the fireworks ordinance discussion approved a pilot program allowing additional resources to aid in enforcement against banned illegal fireworks within the City’s limits. The full text of the memo is available below.

SJFD Memorandum 4-1-16

Updated 4/27 with a followup memo issued by the city stating the outcome of the council meeting

SJ Fireworks Ordinance memo 8apr2016

First LPNA Meeting

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA) held its first all member meeting Saturday, January 23, 2016 at the Santa Teresa Library Branch. We had 4 distinguished guests from the City attend.

A SJPD Lieutenant and a Sergeant gave an update on the neighborhood crime status and updated us on the state of the City’s recovery from earlier manpower shortages, plans for the future, and the value of surveillance cameras in a neighborhood.

A manager from the Housing Department gave an update on homelessness and the City’s response to managing and helping the people negatively affected by any number of events in their lives.

A member of District 2 office who had helped LPNA get going during last year, and continues to give support and advise as we develop our association.

We went through an agenda to address the concerns and aspirations of members for our neighborhood.

Thanks to all who attended!.