First General Meeting of 2020

Hello, Neighbors. 

Our first meeting of 2020 is next week, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Again, we are holding the meeting in the gym building of the Los Paseos Elementary School – a close walk-to place, or a quick drive-to place. Check our meeting agenda, with lots of new information for you!

  • An update from SJPD on current Crime Stats in our neighborhoods
  • An update on the CALMS camera project – discuss the good, accumulative effectiveness of the program so far
  • An update from District 2 Office on upcoming events, completed projects, plans for the future
  • San Jose’s Environmental Services Department – residential recycling.  Recycling markets have changed, prompting questions and some confusion around current practices. The presentation covers how to recycle properly, new tips and information, and how San José is responding to global shifts in recycling markets, particularly China’s National Sword policy, which restricts imports of certain recyclables.  
    • What goes where… Bring items of which you have questions
See the meeting agenda

Santa Teresa Foothills Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum

A huge thanks for STFNA for organizing the Candidate Forum for the 2020 election to be held on March 3, 2020. Participants to this forum are running for 3 different offices:

    • San Jose City Council District 2
    • San Jose City Council District 10
    • State Senate District 15

If you were unable to attend the candidate forum, it was recorded and now available for your viewing

City of San Jose, D2 candidates:

41:55 Jonathan Fleming
55:25 Sergio Jiminez

City of San Jose, D10 candidates:

22:05 Jenny Higgins Bradanini
15:00 Matt Mahan
35:07 Helen Wang

State Senate District 15 Candidates

48:15 Nora Campos
1:01:55 Dave Cortese
Ken Del Valle
28:50 Tim Gildersleeve
Robert Howell
07:54 Johnny Khamis
Ann Ravel (out ill)

Invitees without a time listing beside their names were either unresponsive to the invitation or unavailable due to illness

Video of LPNA meeting Nov 14, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the Nov 14, 2019 meeting. The videos are broken into sections for easier consumption. Unfortunately, the main presenter requested that their portion of the meeting not be recorded. We honored that request, and apologize to the members unable to attend.

00:00 Call to Order
01:10 LPNA Business – Election of Board Members
04:50 San Jose Spotlight

00:00 San Jose Spotlight (continued)
00:20 SJPD update
09:15 CHP update

00:00 CHP update (continued)
07:15 D2 updates – Vanessa and Sergio
14:00 Photo presentation of Coyote Valley wildlife and fauna

00:00 D2 updates (continued)
08:45 CALMS update

Martin Murphy & Los Paseos School security fencing – September 5, 2019 meeting

In case you missed the meeting, see the handout given at the meeting, images below, or in the attached pdf file.
One page lists answers to the Q&A at the first meeting.
The second page is a very preliminary position of the fence (red line) that will connect to the ends of the one chain link fence currently around the track and soccer field, thus surrounding the MHUSD property. This is NOT the final layout.
In attendance:
  • Anessa Espinosa, MHUSD Director of Facilities, running the meeting
  • Steve Betando, MHUSD Superintendent
  • Name not known, MHUSD Construction Design
  • Alex Aesan, Principal of Martin Murphy Middle School
  • Torie O’Reilly, SJ Parks Dept Manager
  • Sergio Jimenez and Vanessa Sandoval of District 2 Office
  • Other attendees: approximately 25 people
Anessa went over the Q&A
All named attendees above gave information related to the reasons for the fence both locally and at other schools across the Bay Area, State and nation.
Also, a discussion of a joint use agreement being discussed between MHUSD and San Jose City Parks (Torie O’Reilly) to address the neighborhood concern that an area that has been used for decades is being eliminated from their use. A suggestion was given to place a running/walking loop between Los Paseos Elementary and the School field; this is on the Park property. Torie took notes and will update us in the future.
A comment about possible continued use is to put in electrically controlled gates as shown in the field photo (see pdf) that would be open during non-school hours, including weekends. This is still under consideration as to type of gates and entrance possibilities.
The neighborhood attendees’ comments were received and taken note of by the named attendees above.
Q & A
Proposed Fencing Layout

Grocery Outlet Grand Opening

After 5 years of a grocery vacancy at Santa Teresa Village Shopping Center the community finally has a new grocer serving the community, Grocery Outlet!

A huge thanks to ROIC, Sergio Jimenez and the D2 office, as well as all the community vocalizing to all parties the need to fill that vacancy. Today was the Grand Opening of the new Grocery Outlet.

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, LPNA received a gracious donation from Grocery Outlet, Abed and Nisrine. Thank you for the donation to help build a stronger community.

Summer Celebrations at Viva Parks Los Paseos

If you were unable to attend the City of San Jose’s Viva Parks festivities at Los Paseos Park on Tuesday July 30th, this is what you missed! Aside from the community coming out to have a good time with the provided fun, games, and snacks, Several vendors were on hand to discuss various issues from health and wellness, community support, voting and census, and interaction with the D2 office. Other Viva Parks events are scheduled throughout the city and the Parks system, some with movie night showings at the park after nightfall. See the schedule here.

Don’t forget! August 6th, our own neighborhood National Night Out event is scheduled to occur!!! Mark your calendars and come out and enjoy the festivities at Los Paseos Park. Food, fun, entertainment, first responders. Come meet your neighbors, businesses, supporters, and protectors for our community!

Viva Parks at Los Paseos Park

Come out to Los Paseos Park and enjoy this City sponsored program hosted throughout the City’s Parks system.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019,
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM.
Los Paseos Park

FREE Fun, Activities, and Games!!!

Los Paseos Neighborhood Association (LPNA) will be in attendance at a table.

Also, activities and events focused on health and wellness resources as well as community engagement. Other similar events are scheduled throughout the city at other park locations if you are unable to attend this event.

Video of LPNA meeting May 23, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the May 23, 2019 meeting. It was a LONG meeting with the main presenters from the High Speed Rail Authority. The videos are broken into sections for easier consumption. The drawings provided by HSRA were photographed and provided here for the community to download and review.

00:00 Start of meeting, LPNA business housekeeping
02:24 Meeting Agenda
04:19 Volunteer recruitment for NNO / Art box update
06:00 Introduction of Captain Gina Tibaldi, SJPD of Southern Division and Crime & Safety update
20:45 Issa update on CALMS project

00:00 CHP Crime & Safety updates
18:00 Vanessa Sandoval – D2 updates

00:00 D2 Updates (continued)
11:35 High Speed Rail Authority updates to Monterey Corridor

00:00 High Speed Rail Authority updates to Monterey Corridor (continued)

00:00 High Speed Rail Authority updates to Monterey Corridor (continued)

00:00 High Speed Rail Authority updates to Monterey Corridor (continued)

HSR Graphics for download

Video of LPNA meeting February 28, 2019

For those of you unable to attend the meeting, below are the video recordings for the February 28, 2019 meeting. A myriad of topics were discussed from an overview of 2018 to forthcoming projects in 2019, Art boxes, SJPD updates and a farewell to retiring Captain Johnson Fong, CHP updates, Crime Prevention representative introduction and update, D2 CALMS update, and the main presentations San Jose Climate Smart initiative and Clean Energy programs. The main presentations should be of interest to ALL in our neighborhoods. Learn about the San Jose Clean Energy offering consumers a choice of energy providers to your household (PG&E or SJCE). View the respective portions of the meeting. Below each video is a description of material with important timestamps to jump to the immediate areas of interest.

00:00 LPNA Business: 2018 year in review and plans for 2019
04:30 Art Box Projects
14:10 SJPD updates – Farewell to Captain Johnson Fong
22:30 CHP

00:00 CHP continued
06:20 D2 Office CALMS camera project update and other district 2 issues
22:00 Crime Prevention Unit update

00:00 Crime Prevention Unit continued
02:00 Climate Smart San Jose – Aaron Kinney

00:00 San Jose Clean Energy – Katie Ziemba

00:00 San Jose Clean Energy Q&A