Voter Ballots are on the way! Do you know the issues?

You can always search online for additional details, but to help along the process, we included the following links for sources of voting information:

Mercury News

SF Chronicle

League of Women Voters

League of Women Voters’ makes recommendations on California state-wide initiatives:

Voter’s Edge

You can also enter your address and zip code at the site below to get detailed information about what is on your specific ballot, including profiles and comparisons of the candidates for office, as well as the initiatives and local measures. This site does not make recommendations.

Description from the Voter’s Edge website:

With Voter’s Edge California, voters can:

    • Access their full, personalized ballot by entering their address.
    • Get in-depth information on candidates, measures, and who supports them.
    • View candidate biographies, top priorities, answers to questions, photos, policy videos, endorsements, and detailed information about who funds their campaigns.
    • Browse unbiased explanations of ballot measures; find out who supports, opposes, and funds them.
    • Check where, when, and how to vote, including information on their local polling locations.
    • Keep track of their choices to make voting easier.
    • Share information about the election with friends and family.

*The LWVCEF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization and never advocates. The League of Women Voters of California does operate a separate nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization that advocates on issues and sometimes makes recommendations on ballot measures.

History of Voter’s Edge California

The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund produced one of the nation’s first election information websites, Since 1996, the Smart Voter project has been California’s premier online source for authoritative, nonpartisan coverage of election contests, candidates, and ballot measures.

MapLight’s Voter’s Edge tool was first designed to help voters understand the sources of funding behind ballot measures in California. In recent years, the project has expanded to cover candidates and elections in states beyond California.

In 2014, the League and MapLight joined forces to create a successful pilot project. The result is Voter’s Edge California.

Los Angeles Times


Cal Matters

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