19:05:18 From Christopher Losavio to Everyone: christopher.losavio@sanjoseca.gov 408-300-3810-CERT Coordinator 19:18:02 From Peter Chen to Everyone: can you talk about the new bird box ? 19:18:59 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Are the trees going to be replaced by the same type. They seemed fragile and non-native. 19:23:18 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Plenty of gophers in the park. 19:26:40 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Post the meeting dates for LPNA in the bulletin board. Is there a list of plants in the park site that can be referenced? 19:27:08 From Karen Lattin to Everyone: Yes Michael, we did. 19:29:32 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Unsupervised dog parks are problem with people with sick, aggressive dogs or not having the proper shots. What happens when dogs fight. 19:39:23 From Michele Dexter to Greg Peck(Direct Message): some of my team have to leave at 7:45 for other meetings 19:46:13 From Sophia Lu to Everyone: Thanks all! Great to meet you! 19:47:05 From Matthew Quevedo to Everyone: matthew.quevedo@sanjoseca.gov - 408-772-2171 19:48:48 From Sara Garcia to Everyone: Sara Garcia, Legislative Director for District 10: sara.garcia@sanjoseca.gov 19:53:43 From Christopher Losavio to Everyone: My apologies I have to run, but it was an absolute pleasure meeting you all. Thank you so very much for all you do to support our community. It is truly inspiring. If you are interested in joining our CERT team or learning more, please feel free to reach out anytime at christopher.losavio@sanjoseca.gov or 408-300-3810. Thank you again and have a wonderful evening! :) 20:03:41 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Can we have a contractor contact if people have issues. 20:05:05 From Karen Lattin to Everyone: Thanks to all of D10 team for taking time out of your evening to meet with us! 20:05:49 From Matthew Quevedo to Everyone: Thank you, Karen. 20:06:31 From Matthew Quevedo to Everyone: Want to submit a ticket? Send an email to district10@sanjoseca.gov or submit a ticket at - https://help.sjd10.com/ 20:09:42 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Where there notifications on the trees? 20:37:24 From Sara Garcia to Everyone: It was a pleasure to meet you all, thank you for your time and for your commitment to the D10 community! If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at sara.garcia@sanjoseca.gov 20:38:06 From Julia Asada to Everyone: Thank you very much for welcoming the D10 team tonight! I apologize that I must go. I look forward to helping your association in any way that I can. 20:38:40 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Thank you for your presentation, Julia 20:40:28 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: This Tiny Home Was Built Inside a 30-Ton Concrete Pipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1gZYwdwQtk&ab_channel=MoneyPitMedia 20:44:32 From Julia Baum to Everyone: It was great meeting everyone! Have a wonderful evening! 20:49:25 From Michael Vandamme to Everyone: Barbara: Do you have a list of native plants.