Electronic Speed Sign on Santa Teresa Blvd

Electronic Speed Signs was a proposed PB project to place electronic speed signs on the Santa Teresa Blvd and Monterey Highway corridors to warn drivers to slow down and reduce speed as they entered into urban neighborhood communities, rural speeds (50-55mph) reduce to local street speeds (40-45mph). Often, drivers fail to observe local street speeds after prolonged driving along a rural road.

Unfortunately, the electronic speed signs PB project did not receive enough votes to proceed after PB Round 2 voting. Fortunately, however, many community members persisted to voice concerns to the City of San Jose DOT. The DOT examined the issue for the Santa Teresa Blvd corridor, and addressed our concerns with the installation of a speed sign on northbound Santa Teresa Blvd past Tulare Hill before Bayliss Dr. The sign is currently inactive as of 4/15. Stay tuned. More details to be posted when we learn of an activation date.

Hopefully, this sign alerts drivers to their speed and aid in curtailing the rampant speeding along this roadway. Many thanks to all who collectively voiced their opinions to the City to help improve the traffic safety entering our neighborhood.