Video of LPNA meeting August 16, 2018

For those unable to attend our Q3 meeting the videos of the meeting are included below

A. Call to Order
B. LPNA Business –

• Process for nominations and election of LPNA Board for calendar 2019 year
• Financial Report for June 30th fiscal year end

C. Updates

• SJPD Update • D2 Update • LPNA Activities 2018

D. Presentation

• Don Weden (Former SCC Principal Planner) –

Envisioning Santa Clara County 3.0: Growth & Change in Santa Clara County
E. Questions and Answers
F. Next Meeting – November 15, 2018, Santa Teresa Branch Library, 7:00 p.m.
G. Adjourn

Quarterly Meeting 8/16

Don’t miss our next General Meeting on August 16th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Santa Teresa Branch Library.
At this meeting, a fascinating presentation on the changing Santa Clara County! 
Hope to see you at the meeting.


Our main speaker will be Don Weden, a former Santa Clara County principal planner for 34 years.  Mr. Weden will be presenting an enlightened and informative presentation on Envisioning Santa Clara County 3.0:  Growth & Change in Santa Clara County. 

With Santa Clara County’s population projected to increase by roughly 300,000 people in the next 15 years, the vast majority of that growth will be accommodated within existing urban areas, bringing major changes, challenges, and opportunities. Our aging population is creating pressures for changes to automobile-dependent land use patterns, and intensifying the need for a wider array of housing and mobility choices. Weden will share his wisdom and insights in an informative, thought-provoking, and entertaining presentation about change, growth, and planning as South Bay residents prepare for Santa Clara County, version 3.0.

We will also get an update on parks, crime and D2 Office.